no code implementations • 12 May 2017 • Luka Čehovin
We present a reference implementation of the protocol that makes it easy to use in several popular programming languages and discuss where the protocol is already used and some usage scenarios that we envision for the future.
4 code implementations • CVPR 2017 • Alan Lukežič, Tomáš Vojíř, Luka Čehovin, Jiří Matas, Matej Kristan
Short-term tracking is an open and challenging problem for which discriminative correlation filters (DCF) have shown excellent performance.
Ranked #14 on Visual Object Tracking on VOT2017/18 (using extra training data)
no code implementations • 12 May 2016 • Alan Lukežič, Luka Čehovin, Matej Kristan
Deformable parts models show a great potential in tracking by principally addressing non-rigid object deformations and self occlusions, but according to recent benchmarks, they often lag behind the holistic approaches.
no code implementations • 20 Feb 2015 • Luka Čehovin, Aleš Leonardis, Matej Kristan
The problem of visual tracking evaluation is sporting a large variety of performance measures, and largely suffers from lack of consensus about which measures should be used in experiments.