Search Results for author: M Ashraful Amin

Found 11 papers, 7 papers with code

BD-SAT: High-resolution Land Use Land Cover Dataset & Benchmark Results for Developing Division: Dhaka, BD

no code implementations9 Jun 2024 Ovi Paul, Abu Bakar Siddik Nayem, Anis Sarker, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, AKM Mahbubur Rahman

The results show that the annotated BD-SAT is sufficient to train large deep learning models with adequate accuracy for five major LULC classes: forest, farmland, built-up areas, water bodies, and meadows.

Deep Learning

Morphological Classification of Radio Galaxies using Semi-Supervised Group Equivariant CNNs

no code implementations31 May 2023 Mir Sazzat Hossain, Sugandha Roy, K. M. B. Asad, Arshad Momen, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, A. K. M. Mahbubur Rahman

Out of the estimated few trillion galaxies, only around a million have been detected through radio frequencies, and only a tiny fraction, approximately a thousand, have been manually classified.

Contrastive Learning Representation Learning

Variational Stacked Local Attention Networks for Diverse Video Captioning

no code implementations4 Jan 2022 Tonmoay Deb, Akib Sadmanee, Kishor Kumar Bhaumik, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, A K M Mahbubur Rahman

However, growing model complexity for visual data encourages more explicit feature interaction for fine-grained information, which is currently absent in the video captioning domain.

Decoder Diversity +1

Node Embedding using Mutual Information and Self-Supervision based Bi-level Aggregation

1 code implementation27 Apr 2021 Kashob Kumar Roy, Amit Roy, A K M Mahbubur Rahman, M Ashraful Amin, Amin Ahsan Ali

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) learn low dimensional representations of nodes by aggregating information from their neighborhood in graphs.

Node Clustering

Unified Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Traffic Forecasting using Graph Neural Network

1 code implementation26 Apr 2021 Amit Roy, Kashob Kumar Roy, Amin Ahsan Ali, M Ashraful Amin, A K M Mahbubur Rahman

However, most state-of-the-art approaches have designed spatial-only (e. g. Graph Neural Networks) and temporal-only (e. g. Recurrent Neural Networks) modules to separately extract spatial and temporal features.

Graph Neural Network Traffic Prediction

Hierarchical Self Attention Based Autoencoder for Open-Set Human Activity Recognition

1 code implementation7 Mar 2021 M Tanjid Hasan Tonmoy, Saif Mahmud, A K M Mahbubur Rahman, M Ashraful Amin, Amin Ahsan Ali

Wearable sensor based human activity recognition is a challenging problem due to difficulty in modeling spatial and temporal dependencies of sensor signals.

Decoder Human Activity Recognition +1

Human Activity Recognition from Wearable Sensor Data Using Self-Attention

2 code implementations17 Mar 2020 Saif Mahmud, M Tanjid Hasan Tonmoy, Kishor Kumar Bhaumik, A K M Mahbubur Rahman, M Ashraful Amin, Mohammad Shoyaib, Muhammad Asif Hossain Khan, Amin Ahsan Ali

In this regard, the existing recurrent or convolutional or their hybrid models for activity recognition struggle to capture spatio-temporal context from the feature space of sensor reading sequence.

Human Activity Recognition Time Series +1

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