Search Results for author: M. Alex O. Vasilescu

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Causal Deep Learning: Causal Capsules and Tensor Transformers

no code implementations1 Jan 2023 M. Alex O. Vasilescu

Forward causal questions are addressed with a neural network architecture composed of causal capsules and a tensor transformer.

Deep Learning Dimensionality Reduction

Neural network architectures for disentangling the multimodal structure of data ensembles

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 M. Alex O. Vasilescu

We introduce neural network architectures that model the mechanism that generates data and address the difficult problem of disentangling the multimodal structure of data ensembles.


Deepfake Representation with Multilinear Regression

no code implementations15 Aug 2021 Sara Abdali, M. Alex O. Vasilescu, Evangelos E. Papalexakis

Generative neural network architectures such as GANs, may be used to generate synthetic instances to compensate for the lack of real data.

Face Swapping regression

CausalX: Causal Explanations and Block Multilinear Factor Analysis

no code implementations25 Feb 2021 M. Alex O. Vasilescu, Eric Kim, Xiao S. Zeng

When causal factors are not amenable for active manipulation in the real world due to current technological limitations or ethical considerations, a counterfactual approach performs an intervention on the model of data formation.

Computational Efficiency counterfactual +2

Compositional Hierarchical Tensor Factorization: Representing Hierarchical Intrinsic and Extrinsic Causal Factors

no code implementations11 Nov 2019 M. Alex O. Vasilescu, Eric Kim

Visual objects are composed of a recursive hierarchy of perceptual wholes and parts, whose properties, such as shape, reflectance, and color, constitute a hierarchy of intrinsic causal factors of object appearance.

Face Recognition Object +2

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