Search Results for author: M. B. Hastings

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

On Quantum Weight Reduction

no code implementations19 Feb 2021 M. B. Hastings

We give a general procedure for weight reducing quantum codes.

Quantum Physics

Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Tensor Principal Component Analysis

no code implementations30 Jul 2019 M. B. Hastings

We present classical and quantum algorithms based on spectral methods for a problem in tensor principal component analysis.

Classical and Quantum Bounded Depth Approximation Algorithms

1 code implementation16 May 2019 M. B. Hastings

First, we define a class of "local" classical optimization algorithms and show that a single step version of these algorithms can achieve the same performance as the single step QAOA on MAX-3-LIN-2.

Quantum Physics

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