Search Results for author: M. Brandon Westover

Found 15 papers, 8 papers with code

Annotation of Sleep Depth Index with Scalable Deep Learning Yields Novel Digital Biomarkers for Sleep Health

1 code implementation5 Jul 2024 Songchi Zhou, Ge Song, Haoqi Sun, Yue Leng, M. Brandon Westover, Shenda Hong

Traditional sleep staging categorizes sleep and wakefulness into five coarse-grained classes, overlooking subtle variations within each stage.

Sleep Quality Sleep Staging

Safe and Interpretable Estimation of Optimal Treatment Regimes

1 code implementation23 Oct 2023 Harsh Parikh, Quinn Lanners, Zade Akras, Sahar F. Zafar, M. Brandon Westover, Cynthia Rudin, Alexander Volfovsky

Our work operationalizes a safe and interpretable framework to identify optimal treatment regimes.

BIOT: Cross-data Biosignal Learning in the Wild

1 code implementation10 May 2023 Chaoqi Yang, M. Brandon Westover, Jimeng Sun

Comprehensive evaluations on EEG, electrocardiogram (ECG), and human activity sensory signals demonstrate that \method outperforms robust baselines in common settings and facilitates learning across multiple datasets with different formats.

EEG Missing Values +1

ManyDG: Many-domain Generalization for Healthcare Applications

1 code implementation21 Jan 2023 Chaoqi Yang, M. Brandon Westover, Jimeng Sun

Extensive experiments show that ManyDG can boost the generalization performance on multiple real-world healthcare tasks (e. g., 3. 7% Jaccard improvements on MIMIC drug recommendation) and support realistic but challenging settings such as insufficient data and continuous learning.

Domain Generalization Seizure Detection

Effects of Epileptiform Activity on Discharge Outcome in Critically Ill Patients

no code implementations9 Mar 2022 Harsh Parikh, Kentaro Hoffman, Haoqi Sun, Wendong Ge, Jin Jing, Rajesh Amerineni, Lin Liu, Jimeng Sun, Sahar Zafar, Aaron Struck, Alexander Volfovsky, Cynthia Rudin, M. Brandon Westover

Having a maximum EA burden greater than 75% when untreated had a 22% increased chance of a poor outcome (severe disability or death), and mild but long-lasting EA increased the risk of a poor outcome by 14%.

Causal Inference Decision Making

Self-supervised EEG Representation Learning for Automatic Sleep Staging

1 code implementation27 Oct 2021 Chaoqi Yang, Danica Xiao, M. Brandon Westover, Jimeng Sun

Objective: In this paper, we aim to learn robust vector representations from massive unlabeled EEG signals, such that the learned vectorized features (1) are expressive enough to replace the raw signals in the sleep staging task; and (2) provide better predictive performance than supervised models in scenarios of fewer labels and noisy samples.

EEG Representation Learning +2

SCRIB: Set-classifier with Class-specific Risk Bounds for Blackbox Models

no code implementations5 Mar 2021 Zhen Lin, Cao Xiao, Lucas Glass, M. Brandon Westover, Jimeng Sun

Despite deep learning (DL) success in classification problems, DL classifiers do not provide a sound mechanism to decide when to refrain from predicting.

Atrial Fibrillation Detection Classification +4

Sleep Apnea and Respiratory Anomaly Detection from a Wearable Band and Oxygen Saturation

no code implementations24 Feb 2021 Wolfgang Ganglberger, Abigail A. Bucklin, Ryan A. Tesh, Madalena Da Silva Cardoso, Haoqi Sun, Michael J. Leone, Luis Paixao, Ezhil Panneerselvam, Elissa M. Ye, B. Taylor Thompson, Oluwaseun Akeju, David Kuller, Robert J. Thomas, M. Brandon Westover

The objective is to automatically detect abnormal respiration and estimate the Apnea-Hypopnea-Index (AHI) with a wearable respiratory device, compared to an SpO2 signal or polysomnography using a large (n = 412) dataset serving as ground truth.

Anomaly Detection

CLARA: Clinical Report Auto-completion

no code implementations26 Feb 2020 Siddharth Biswal, Cao Xiao, Lucas M. Glass, M. Brandon Westover, Jimeng Sun

Most existing methods try to generate the whole reports from the raw input with limited success because 1) generated reports often contain errors that need manual review and correction, 2) it does not save time when doctors want to write additional information into the report, and 3) the generated reports are not customized based on individual doctors' preference.

EEG Sentence

SLEEPER: interpretable Sleep staging via Prototypes from Expert Rules

no code implementations14 Oct 2019 Irfan Al-Hussaini, Cao Xiao, M. Brandon Westover, Jimeng Sun

In this study, we propose Sleep staging via Prototypes from Expert Rules (SLEEPER), which combines deep learning models with expert defined rules using a prototype learning framework to generate simple interpretable models.

Automatic Sleep Stage Classification Sleep Staging

HAMLET: Interpretable Human And Machine co-LEarning Technique

no code implementations26 Mar 2018 Olivier Deiss, Siddharth Biswal, Jing Jin, Haoqi Sun, M. Brandon Westover, Jimeng Sun

Although cEEG monitoring yields large volumes of data, labeling costs and difficulty make it hard to build a classifier.

General Classification

SLEEPNET: Automated Sleep Staging System via Deep Learning

no code implementations26 Jul 2017 Siddharth Biswal, Joshua Kulas, Haoqi Sun, Balaji Goparaju, M. Brandon Westover, Matt T. Bianchi, Jimeng Sun

Sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, parasomnias, and hypersomnia, affect 50-70 million adults in the United States (Hillman et al., 2006).

EEG Sleep Staging

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