Search Results for author: Małgorzata Salawa

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

AI-Assisted Assessment of Coding Practices in Modern Code Review

no code implementations22 May 2024 Manushree Vijayvergiya, Małgorzata Salawa, Ivan Budiselić, Dan Zheng, Pascal Lamblin, Marko Ivanković, Juanjo Carin, Mateusz Lewko, Jovan Andonov, Goran Petrović, Daniel Tarlow, Petros Maniatis, René Just

This paper reports on the development, deployment, and evaluation of AutoCommenter, a system backed by a large language model that automatically learns and enforces coding best practices.

Language Modelling Large Language Model

Comparative Probing of Lexical Semantics Theories for Cognitive Plausibility and Technological Usefulness

no code implementations COLING 2020 António Branco, João Rodrigues, Małgorzata Salawa, Ruben Branco, Chakaveh Saedi

Lexical semantics theories differ in advocating that the meaning of words is represented as an inference graph, a feature mapping or a vector space, thus raising the question: is it the case that one of these approaches is superior to the others in representing lexical semantics appropriately?

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