Search Results for author: Madeleine Gibescu

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Short Term Electricity Market Designs: Identified Challenges and Promising Solutions

no code implementations9 Nov 2020 Lina Silva-Rodriguez, Anibal Sanjab, Elena Fumagalli, Ana Virag, Madeleine Gibescu

In this regard, a future-proof market design must combine different elements of proposed solutions to comprehensively mitigate market barriers and overcome the identified implementation challenges.

Scalable Training of Artificial Neural Networks with Adaptive Sparse Connectivity inspired by Network Science

2 code implementations15 Jul 2017 Decebal Constantin Mocanu, Elena Mocanu, Peter Stone, Phuong H. Nguyen, Madeleine Gibescu, Antonio Liotta

Through the success of deep learning in various domains, artificial neural networks are currently among the most used artificial intelligence methods.

Sparse Learning

Energy Disaggregation for Real-Time Building Flexibility Detection

no code implementations6 May 2016 Elena Mocanu, Phuong H. Nguyen, Madeleine Gibescu

Energy is a limited resource which has to be managed wisely, taking into account both supply-demand matching and capacity constraints in the distribution grid.

energy management Management

A topological insight into restricted Boltzmann machines

no code implementations20 Apr 2016 Decebal Constantin Mocanu, Elena Mocanu, Phuong H. Nguyen, Madeleine Gibescu, Antonio Liotta

Thirdly, we show that, for a fixed number of weights, our proposed sparse models (which by design have a higher number of hidden neurons) achieve better generative capabilities than standard fully connected RBMs and GRBMs (which by design have a smaller number of hidden neurons), at no additional computational costs.

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