Search Results for author: Mahesh Subedar

Found 11 papers, 1 papers with code

Mitigating Sampling Bias and Improving Robustness in Active Learning

no code implementations13 Sep 2021 Ranganath Krishnan, Alok Sinha, Nilesh Ahuja, Mahesh Subedar, Omesh Tickoo, Ravi Iyer

This paper presents simple and efficient methods to mitigate sampling bias in active learning while achieving state-of-the-art accuracy and model robustness.

Active Learning

Robust Contrastive Active Learning with Feature-guided Query Strategies

no code implementations13 Sep 2021 Ranganath Krishnan, Nilesh Ahuja, Alok Sinha, Mahesh Subedar, Omesh Tickoo, Ravi Iyer

We introduce supervised contrastive active learning (SCAL) and propose efficient query strategies in active learning based on the feature similarity (featuresim) and principal component analysis based feature-reconstruction error (fre) to select informative data samples with diverse feature representations.

Active Learning Image Classification +1

Partially-Supervised Novel Object Captioning Leveraging Context from Paired Data

no code implementations10 Sep 2021 Shashank Bujimalla, Mahesh Subedar, Omesh Tickoo

PS-NOC is agnostic to model architecture, and primarily focuses on the training approach that uses existing fully paired image-caption data and the images with only the novel object detection labels (partially paired data).

Image Captioning Novel Object Detection +3

Data augmentation to improve robustness of image captioning solutions

no code implementations10 Jun 2021 Shashank Bujimalla, Mahesh Subedar, Omesh Tickoo

In this paper, we study the impact of motion blur, a common quality flaw in real world images, on a state-of-the-art two-stage image captioning solution, and notice a degradation in solution performance as blur intensity increases.

Data Augmentation Image Captioning +2

B-SCST: Bayesian Self-Critical Sequence Training for Image Captioning

no code implementations6 Apr 2020 Shashank Bujimalla, Mahesh Subedar, Omesh Tickoo

The "baseline" for the policy-gradients in B-SCST is generated by averaging predictive quality metrics (CIDEr-D) of the captions drawn from the distribution obtained using a Bayesian DNN model.

Bayesian Inference Image Captioning +3

Deep Probabilistic Models to Detect Data Poisoning Attacks

no code implementations3 Dec 2019 Mahesh Subedar, Nilesh Ahuja, Ranganath Krishnan, Ibrahima J. Ndiour, Omesh Tickoo

In the second approach, we use Bayesian deep neural networks trained with mean-field variational inference to estimate model uncertainty associated with the predictions.

Data Poisoning Variational Inference

Specifying Weight Priors in Bayesian Deep Neural Networks with Empirical Bayes

2 code implementations12 Jun 2019 Ranganath Krishnan, Mahesh Subedar, Omesh Tickoo

We propose MOdel Priors with Empirical Bayes using DNN (MOPED) method to choose informed weight priors in Bayesian neural networks.

Activity Recognition Audio Classification +5

Uncertainty aware audiovisual activity recognition using deep Bayesian variational inference

no code implementations27 Nov 2018 Mahesh Subedar, Ranganath Krishnan, Paulo Lopez Meyer, Omesh Tickoo, Jonathan Huang

In the multimodal setting, the proposed framework improved precision-recall AUC by 10. 2% on the subset of MiT dataset as compared to non-Bayesian baseline.

Bayesian Inference Multimodal Activity Recognition +1

BAR: Bayesian Activity Recognition using variational inference

no code implementations8 Nov 2018 Ranganath Krishnan, Mahesh Subedar, Omesh Tickoo

We show that the Bayesian inference applied to DNNs provide reliable confidence measures for visual activity recognition task as compared to conventional DNNs.

Activity Recognition Bayesian Inference +1

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