Search Results for author: Mahmud Mossa-Basha

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Benchmarking the CoW with the TopCoW Challenge: Topology-Aware Anatomical Segmentation of the Circle of Willis for CTA and MRA

2 code implementations29 Dec 2023 Kaiyuan Yang, Fabio Musio, Yihui Ma, Norman Juchler, Johannes C. Paetzold, Rami Al-Maskari, Luciano Höher, Hongwei Bran Li, Ibrahim Ethem Hamamci, Anjany Sekuboyina, Suprosanna Shit, Houjing Huang, Chinmay Prabhakar, Ezequiel de la Rosa, Diana Waldmannstetter, Florian Kofler, Fernando Navarro, Martin Menten, Ivan Ezhov, Daniel Rueckert, Iris Vos, Ynte Ruigrok, Birgitta Velthuis, Hugo Kuijf, Julien Hämmerli, Catherine Wurster, Philippe Bijlenga, Laura Westphal, Jeroen Bisschop, Elisa Colombo, Hakim Baazaoui, Andrew Makmur, James Hallinan, Bene Wiestler, Jan S. Kirschke, Roland Wiest, Emmanuel Montagnon, Laurent Letourneau-Guillon, Adrian Galdran, Francesco Galati, Daniele Falcetta, Maria A. Zuluaga, Chaolong Lin, Haoran Zhao, Zehan Zhang, Sinyoung Ra, Jongyun Hwang, HyunJin Park, Junqiang Chen, Marek Wodzinski, Henning Müller, Pengcheng Shi, Wei Liu, Ting Ma, Cansu Yalçin, Rachika E. Hamadache, Joaquim Salvi, Xavier Llado, Uma Maria Lal-Trehan Estrada, Valeriia Abramova, Luca Giancardo, Arnau Oliver, Jialu Liu, Haibin Huang, Yue Cui, Zehang Lin, Yusheng Liu, Shunzhi Zhu, Tatsat R. Patel, Vincent M. Tutino, Maysam Orouskhani, Huayu Wang, Mahmud Mossa-Basha, Chengcheng Zhu, Maximilian R. Rokuss, Yannick Kirchhoff, Nico Disch, Julius Holzschuh, Fabian Isensee, Klaus Maier-Hein, Yuki Sato, Sven Hirsch, Susanne Wegener, Bjoern Menze

The TopCoW dataset was the first public dataset with voxel-level annotations for thirteen possible CoW vessel components, enabled by virtual-reality (VR) technology.

Anatomy Benchmarking +1

nnDetection for Intracranial Aneurysms Detection and Localization

1 code implementation22 May 2023 Maysam Orouskhani, Negar Firoozeh, Shaojun Xia, Mahmud Mossa-Basha, Chengcheng Zhu

Intracranial aneurysms are a commonly occurring and life-threatening condition, affecting approximately 3. 2% of the general population.

Lesion Detection Management +2

Deep Open Snake Tracker for Vessel Tracing

no code implementations19 Jul 2021 Li Chen, Wenjin Liu, Niranjan Balu, Mahmud Mossa-Basha, Thomas S. Hatsukami, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Chun Yuan

Vessel tracing by modeling vascular structures in 3D medical images with centerlines and radii can provide useful information for vascular health.

Y-net: 3D intracranial artery segmentation using a convolutional autoencoder

no code implementations19 Dec 2017 Li Chen, Yanjun Xie, Jie Sun, Niranjan Balu, Mahmud Mossa-Basha, Kristi Pimentel, Thomas S. Hatsukami, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Chun Yuan

Automated segmentation of intracranial arteries on magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) allows for quantification of cerebrovascular features, which provides tools for understanding aging and pathophysiological adaptations of the cerebrovascular system.

Binary Classification General Classification +1

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