Search Results for author: Mahsa Salmani

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

SLaNC: Static LayerNorm Calibration

no code implementations14 Oct 2024 Mahsa Salmani, Nikita Trukhanov, Ilya Soloveychik

Most importantly, our technique ensures that no numerical issues such as overflow or underflow could happen during the compute.


Beyond the Limits: A Survey of Techniques to Extend the Context Length in Large Language Models

no code implementations3 Feb 2024 Xindi Wang, Mahsa Salmani, Parsa Omidi, Xiangyu Ren, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Armaghan Eshaghi

Recently, large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities including understanding context, engaging in logical reasoning, and generating responses.

Logical Reasoning Long-Context Understanding

Photonic Computing to Accelerate Data Processing in Wireless Communications

no code implementations12 Mar 2021 Mahsa Salmani, Armaghan Eshaghi, Enxiao Luan, Sreenil Saha

This is a requirement for wireless communication systems that typically deal with complex values.

Emerging Technologies Information Theory Information Theory

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