Search Results for author: Mai Zeng

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Sparse Decomposition of Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations25 Oct 2024 Yaochen Hu, Mai Zeng, Ge Zhang, Pavel Rumiantsev, Liheng Ma, Yingxue Zhang, Mark Coates

Graph Neural Networks (GNN) exhibit superior performance in graph representation learning, but their inference cost can be high, due to an aggregation operation that can require a memory fetch for a very large number of nodes.

Graph Neural Network Graph Representation Learning +2

Interacting Diffusion Processes for Event Sequence Forecasting

1 code implementation26 Oct 2023 Mai Zeng, Florence Regol, Mark Coates

Our model is composed of two diffusion processes, one for the time intervals and one for the event types.

Denoising Point Processes

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