Search Results for author: Maksim Siniukov

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Dyadic Interaction Modeling for Social Behavior Generation

2 code implementations14 Mar 2024 Minh Tran, Di Chang, Maksim Siniukov, Mohammad Soleymani

Hence, an effective model for generating listener nonverbal behaviors requires understanding the dyadic context and interaction.

Contrastive Learning Diversity +1

Applicability limitations of differentiable full-reference image-quality

no code implementations11 Dec 2022 Maksim Siniukov, Dmitriy Kulikov, Dmitriy Vatolin

We propose a series of neural-network preprocessing models that increase DISTS by up to 34. 5%, LPIPS by up to 36. 8%, VIF by up to 98. 0%, and HaarPSI by up to 22. 6% in the case of JPEG-compressed images.

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