Search Results for author: Manish Shetty

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Building AI Agents for Autonomous Clouds: Challenges and Design Principles

no code implementations16 Jul 2024 Manish Shetty, Yinfang Chen, Gagan Somashekar, Minghua Ma, Yogesh Simmhan, Xuchao Zhang, Jonathan Mace, Dax Vandevoorde, Pedro Las-Casas, Shachee Mishra Gupta, Suman Nath, Chetan Bansal, Saravan Rajmohan

The rapid growth in the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) and AI Agents as part of software development and deployment is revolutionizing the information technology landscape.

Code Generation Fault localization

CodeScholar: Growing Idiomatic Code Examples

1 code implementation23 Dec 2023 Manish Shetty, Koushik Sen, Ion Stoica

A tool that could generate realistic, idiomatic, and contextual usage examples for one or more APIs would be immensely beneficial to developers.

Program Synthesis

DSPy Assertions: Computational Constraints for Self-Refining Language Model Pipelines

1 code implementation20 Dec 2023 Arnav Singhvi, Manish Shetty, Shangyin Tan, Christopher Potts, Koushik Sen, Matei Zaharia, Omar Khattab

We integrate our constructs into the recent DSPy programming model for LMs, and present new strategies that allow DSPy to compile programs with LM Assertions into more reliable and accurate systems.

Language Modelling Prompt Engineering +2

AutoTSG: Learning and Synthesis for Incident Troubleshooting

no code implementations26 May 2022 Manish Shetty, Chetan Bansal, Sai Pramod Upadhyayula, Arjun Radhakrishna, Anurag Gupta

To alleviate these gaps, we investigate the automation of TSGs and propose AutoTSG -- a novel framework for automation of TSGs to executable workflows by combining machine learning and program synthesis.

4k Management +1

DeepAnalyze: Learning to Localize Crashes at Scale

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Manish Shetty, Chetan Bansal, Suman Nath, Sean Bowles, Henry Wang, Ozgur Arman, Siamak Ahari

We evaluate our model with over a million real-world crashes from four popular Microsoft applications and show that DeepAnalyze, trained with crashes from one set of applications, not only accurately localizes crashes of the same applications, but also bootstraps crash localization for other applications with zero to very little additional training data.

Multi-Task Learning

SoftNER: Mining Knowledge Graphs From Cloud Incidents

no code implementations15 Jan 2021 Manish Shetty, Chetan Bansal, Sumit Kumar, Nikitha Rao, Nachiappan Nagappan

We have deployed SoftNER at Microsoft, a major cloud service provider and have evaluated it on more than 2 months of cloud incidents.

Cloud Computing Knowledge Graphs +3

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