Search Results for author: Manjira Sinha

Found 15 papers, 0 papers with code

Deep Learning for Slum Mapping in Remote Sensing Images: A Meta-analysis and Review

no code implementations12 Jun 2024 Anjali Raj, Adway Mitra, Manjira Sinha

The parallel rise of Artificial Intelligence, especially Deep Learning has added a new dimension to this field as it allows automated analysis of satellite imagery to identify complex spatial patterns associated with slums.

Design and Development of an Online Computational Framework to Facilitate Language Comprehension Research on Indian Languages

no code implementations LREC 2014 Manjira Sinha, Tirthankar Dasgupta, Anupam Basu

In this paper we have developed an open-source online computational framework that can be used by different research groups to conduct reading researches on Indian language texts.

Reading Comprehension Sentence

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