Search Results for author: Manoj Vishwanath

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Reducing Intraspecies and Interspecies Covariate Shift in Traumatic Brain Injury EEG of Humans and Mice Using Transfer Euclidean Alignment

no code implementations3 Oct 2023 Manoj Vishwanath, Steven Cao, Nikil Dutt, Amir M. Rahmani, Miranda M. Lim, Hung Cao

We tested the robustness of this transfer learning technique on various rule-based classical machine learning models as well as the EEGNet-based deep learning model by evaluating on different datasets, including human and mouse data in a binary classification task of detecting individuals with versus without traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Binary Classification Deep Learning +2

A Raspberry Pi-based Traumatic Brain Injury Detection System for Single-Channel Electroencephalogram

no code implementations23 Jan 2021 Navjodh Singh Dhillon, Agustinus Sutandi, Manoj Vishwanath, Miranda M. Lim, Hung Cao, Dong Si

The increasing affordability and reduction in size of relatively high-performance computing systems combined with promising results from TBI related machine learning research make it possible to create compact and portable systems for early detection of TBI.

BIG-bench Machine Learning EEG +1

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