Search Results for author: Manuel Moussallam

Found 13 papers, 11 papers with code

Modéliser la perception des genres musicaux à travers différentes cultures à partir de ressources linguistiques (Modeling the Music Genre Perception across Language-Bound Cultures )

no code implementations JEP/TALN/RECITAL 2021 Elena V. Epure, Guillaume Salha-Galvan, Manuel Moussallam, Romain Hennequin

Nous résumons nos travaux de recherche, présentés à la conférence EMNLP 2020 et portant sur la modélisation de la perception des genres musicaux à travers différentes cultures, à partir de représentations sémantiques spécifiques à différentes langues.

Do Recommender Systems Promote Local Music? A Reproducibility Study Using Music Streaming Data

1 code implementation29 Aug 2024 Kristina Matrosova, Lilian Marey, Guillaume Salha-Galvan, Thomas Louail, Olivier Bodini, Manuel Moussallam

This paper examines the influence of recommender systems on local music representation, discussing prior findings from an empirical study on the LFM-2b public dataset.

Recommendation Systems

Modeling Activity-Driven Music Listening with PACE

1 code implementation2 May 2024 Lilian Marey, Bruno Sguerra, Manuel Moussallam

While the topic of listening context is widely studied in the literature of music recommender systems, the integration of regular user behavior is often omitted.

Recommendation Systems Time Series

Hierarchical Latent Relation Modeling for Collaborative Metric Learning

1 code implementation26 Jul 2021 Viet-Anh Tran, Guillaume Salha-Galvan, Romain Hennequin, Manuel Moussallam

Existing extensions of CML also either ignore the heterogeneity of user-item relations, i. e. that a user can simultaneously like very different items, or the latent item-item relations, i. e. that a user's preference for an item depends, not only on its intrinsic characteristics, but also on items they previously interacted with.

Collaborative Filtering Knowledge Graph Embedding +3

FastGAE: Scalable Graph Autoencoders with Stochastic Subgraph Decoding

2 code implementations5 Feb 2020 Guillaume Salha, Romain Hennequin, Jean-Baptiste Remy, Manuel Moussallam, Michalis Vazirgiannis

Graph autoencoders (AE) and variational autoencoders (VAE) are powerful node embedding methods, but suffer from scalability issues.

Spleeter: A Fast And State-of-the Art Music Source Separation Tool With Pre-trained Models

3 code implementations ISMIR 2019 Late-Breaking/Demo 2019 Romain Hennequin, Anis Khlif, Felix Voituret, Manuel Moussallam

We present and release a new tool for music source separation with pre-trained models called Spleeter. Spleeter was designed with ease of use, separation performance and speed in mind.

Ranked #19 on Music Source Separation on MUSDB18 (using extra training data)

Music Source Separation Speech Enhancement

Improving Collaborative Metric Learning with Efficient Negative Sampling

1 code implementation24 Sep 2019 Viet-Anh Tran, Romain Hennequin, Jimena Royo-Letelier, Manuel Moussallam

Distance metric learning based on triplet loss has been applied with success in a wide range of applications such as face recognition, image retrieval, speaker change detection and recently recommendation with the CML model.

Change Detection Face Recognition +3

Disambiguating Music Artists at Scale with Audio Metric Learning

1 code implementation3 Oct 2018 Jimena Royo-Letelier, Romain Hennequin, Viet-Anh Tran, Manuel Moussallam

We address the problem of disambiguating large scale catalogs through the definition of an unknown artist clustering task.

Clustering Metric Learning

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