Search Results for author: Manuel Schultheiss

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Towards AI Lesion Tracking in PET/CT Imaging: A Siamese-based CNN Pipeline applied on PSMA PET/CT Scans

no code implementations13 Jun 2024 Stefan P. Hein, Manuel Schultheiss, Andrei Gafita, Raphael Zaum, Farid Yagubbayli, Robert Tauber, Isabel Rauscher, Matthias Eiber, Franz Pfeiffer, Wolfgang A. Weber

Our algorithm extracts suitable lesion patches and forwards them into a Siamese CNN trained to classify the lesion patch pairs as corresponding or non-corresponding lesions.

Lesion Segmentation

U-Net-based Lung Thickness Map for Pixel-level Lung Volume Estimation of Chest X-rays

no code implementations24 Oct 2021 Manuel Schultheiss, Philipp Schmette, Thorsten Sellerer, Rafael Schick, Kirsten Taphorn, Korbinian Mechlem, Lorenz Birnbacher, Bernhard Renger, Marcus R. Makowski, Franz Pfeiffer, Daniela Pfeiffer

Purpose: We aimed to estimate the total lung volume (TLV) from real and synthetic frontal X-ray radiographs on a pixel level using lung thickness maps generated by a U-Net.

Capacity Estimation

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