Search Results for author: Manuele Leonelli

Found 23 papers, 2 papers with code

bnRep: A repository of Bayesian networks from the academic literature

no code implementations27 Sep 2024 Manuele Leonelli

Bayesian networks (BNs) are widely used for modeling complex systems with uncertainty, yet repositories of pre-built BNs remain limited.


The diameter of a stochastic matrix: A new measure for sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks

no code implementations5 Jul 2024 Manuele Leonelli, Jim Q. Smith, Sophia K. Wright

Bayesian networks are one of the most widely used classes of probabilistic models for risk management and decision support because of their interpretability and flexibility in including heterogeneous pieces of information.


Global Sensitivity Analysis of Uncertain Parameters in Bayesian Networks

no code implementations9 Jun 2024 Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, Manuele Leonelli

Last, we apply the method of Sobol to the resulting network to obtain $n$ global sensitivity indices.

Tensor Decomposition

Context-Specific Refinements of Bayesian Network Classifiers

no code implementations28 May 2024 Manuele Leonelli, Gherardo Varando

Generative classifiers based on Bayesian networks are often used because of their interpretability and competitive accuracy.

Learning Staged Trees from Incomplete Data

no code implementations28 May 2024 Jack Storror Carter, Manuele Leonelli, Eva Riccomagno, Gherardo Varando

Staged trees are probabilistic graphical models capable of representing any class of non-symmetric independence via a coloring of its vertices.

AI and the creative realm: A short review of current and future applications

no code implementations1 Jun 2023 Fabio Crimaldi, Manuele Leonelli

This study explores the concept of creativity and artificial intelligence (AI) and their recent integration.

Decision Making

The YODO algorithm: An efficient computational framework for sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks

no code implementations1 Feb 2023 Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, Manuele Leonelli

Sensitivity analysis measures the influence of a Bayesian network's parameters on a quantity of interest defined by the network, such as the probability of a variable taking a specific value.


Learning and interpreting asymmetry-labeled DAGs: a case study on COVID-19 fear

no code implementations2 Jan 2023 Manuele Leonelli, Gherardo Varando

Bayesian networks are widely used to learn and reason about the dependence structure of discrete variables.

You Only Derive Once (YODO): Automatic Differentiation for Efficient Sensitivity Analysis in Bayesian Networks

1 code implementation17 Jun 2022 Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, Manuele Leonelli

Sensitivity analysis measures the influence of a Bayesian network's parameters on a quantity of interest defined by the network, such as the probability of a variable taking a specific value.


Highly Efficient Structural Learning of Sparse Staged Trees

no code implementations14 Jun 2022 Manuele Leonelli, Gherardo Varando

Several structural learning algorithms for staged tree models, an asymmetric extension of Bayesian networks, have been defined.

Structural Learning of Simple Staged Trees

no code implementations8 Mar 2022 Manuele Leonelli, Gherardo Varando

Bayesian networks faithfully represent the symmetric conditional independences existing between the components of a random vector.

Global sensitivity analysis in probabilistic graphical models

no code implementations7 Oct 2021 Rafael Ballester-Ripoll, Manuele Leonelli

We show how to apply Sobol's method of global sensitivity analysis to measure the influence exerted by a set of nodes' evidence on a quantity of interest expressed by a Bayesian network.

Management Tensor Networks

Staged trees and asymmetry-labeled DAGs

no code implementations4 Aug 2021 Gherardo Varando, Federico Carli, Manuele Leonelli

Bayesian networks are a widely-used class of probabilistic graphical models capable of representing symmetric conditional independence between variables of interest using the topology of the underlying graph.

Sensitivity and robustness analysis in Bayesian networks with the bnmonitor R package

no code implementations25 Jul 2021 Manuele Leonelli, Ramsiya Ramanathan, Rachel L. Wilkerson

Bayesian networks are a class of models that are widely used for risk assessment of complex operational systems.

A new class of generative classifiers based on staged tree models

no code implementations26 Dec 2020 Federico Carli, Manuele Leonelli, Gherardo Varando

Generative models for classification use the joint probability distribution of the class variable and the features to construct a decision rule.

The curved exponential family of a staged tree

no code implementations29 Oct 2020 Christiane Görgen, Manuele Leonelli, Orlando Marigliano

Staged tree models are a discrete generalization of Bayesian networks.

Statistics Theory Methodology Statistics Theory

The R Package stagedtrees for Structural Learning of Stratified Staged Trees

1 code implementation14 Apr 2020 Federico Carli, Manuele Leonelli, Eva Riccomagno, Gherardo Varando

stagedtrees is an R package which includes several algorithms for learning the structure of staged trees and chain event graphs from data.


A geometric characterisation of sensitivity analysis in monomial models

no code implementations18 Dec 2018 Manuele Leonelli, Eva Riccomagno

Sensitivity analysis in probabilistic discrete graphical models is usually conducted by varying one probability value at a time and observing how this affects output probabilities of interest.

Model-Preserving Sensitivity Analysis for Families of Gaussian Distributions

no code implementations27 Sep 2018 Christiane Goergen, Manuele Leonelli

However, for Gaussian graphical models, such variations usually make the original graph an incoherent representation of the model's conditional independence structure.


Directed expected utility networks

no code implementations2 Aug 2016 Manuele Leonelli, Jim Q. Smith

We then proceed with the construction of a directed expected utility network to support decision makers in the domain of household food security.

A symbolic algebra for the computation of expected utilities in multiplicative influence diagrams

no code implementations28 Jul 2016 Manuele Leonelli, Eva Riccomagno, Jim Q. Smith

For problems where all random variables and decision spaces are finite and discrete, here we develop a symbolic way to calculate the expected utilities of influence diagrams that does not require a full numerical representation.

Sensitivity analysis, multilinearity and beyond

no code implementations7 Dec 2015 Manuele Leonelli, Christiane Görgen, Jim Q. Smith

Sensitivity methods for the analysis of the outputs of discrete Bayesian networks have been extensively studied and implemented in different software packages.

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