no code implementations • SEMEVAL 2019 • Angelo Basile, Marc Franco-Salvador, Neha Pawar, Sanja {\v{S}}tajner, Mara Chinea Rios, Yassine Benajiba
In this paper, we present our participation to the EmoContext shared task on detecting emotions in English textual conversations between a human and a chatbot.
Ranked #2 on Emotion Recognition in Conversation on EC
no code implementations • 14 Dec 2016 • Mauro Cettolo, Mara Chinea Rios, Roldano Cattoni
In this paper, we report on domain clustering in the ambit of an adaptive MT architecture.
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • Mara Chinea Rios, Germ{\'a}n Sanchis-Trilles, Daniel Ortiz-Mart{\'\i}nez, Francisco Casacuberta
Whenever the quality provided by a machine translation system is not enough, a human expert is required to correct the sentences provided by the machine translation system.