Search Results for author: Marc Bosch

Found 9 papers, 2 papers with code

Improving Emergency Response during Hurricane Season using Computer Vision

no code implementations17 Aug 2020 Marc Bosch, Christian Conroy, Benjamin Ortiz, Philip Bogden

We have developed a framework for crisis response and management that incorporates the latest technologies in computer vision (CV), inland flood prediction, damage assessment and data visualization.

Data Visualization Decision Making +4

Improving Community Resiliency and Emergency Response With Artificial Intelligence

no code implementations28 May 2020 Ben Ortiz, Laura Kahn, Marc Bosch, Philip Bogden, Viveca Pavon-Harr, Onur Savas, Ian McCulloh

New crisis response and management approaches that incorporate the latest information technologies are essential in all phases of emergency preparedness and response, including the planning, response, recovery, and assessment phases.

Management Semantic Segmentation

Contextual Sense Making by Fusing Scene Classification, Detections, and Events in Full Motion Video

no code implementations16 Jan 2020 Marc Bosch, Joseph Nassar, Benjamin Ortiz, Brendan Lammers, David Lindenbaum, John Wahl, Robert Mangum, Margaret Smith

We have investigated and designed a system capable of detecting events and activities of interest that deviate from the baseline patterns of observation given FMV feeds.

Event Detection General Classification +2

Assessing Data Quality of Annotations with Krippendorff Alpha For Applications in Computer Vision

no code implementations20 Dec 2019 Joseph Nassar, Viveca Pavon-Harr, Marc Bosch, Ian McCulloh

In this paper we studied this problem for object detection and recognition. We conducted several data annotation experiments to measure inter annotator agreement and consistency, as well as how the selection of ground truth impacts the perceived algorithm performance. We propose a methodology to monitor the quality of annotations during the labeling of images and how it can be used to measure performance.

object-detection Object Detection

Semantic Stereo for Incidental Satellite Images

1 code implementation21 Nov 2018 Marc Bosch, Kevin Foster, Gordon Christie, Sean Wang, Gregory D. Hager, Myron Brown

The increasingly common use of incidental satellite images for stereo reconstruction versus rigidly tasked binocular or trinocular coincident collection is helping to enable timely global-scale 3D mapping; however, reliable stereo correspondence from multi-date image pairs remains very challenging due to seasonal appearance differences and scene change.

3D Reconstruction Scene Segmentation +1

Improved Image Segmentation via Cost Minimization of Multiple Hypotheses

1 code implementation31 Jan 2018 Marc Bosch, Christopher M. Gifford, Austin G. Dress, Clare W. Lau, Jeffrey G. Skibo, Gordon A. Christie

We scan the segmentation parameter space and generate a collection of image segmentation hypotheses (from highly over-segmented to under-segmented).

Diversity Image Segmentation +2

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