Search Results for author: Marc Law

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

SpaceMesh: A Continuous Representation for Learning Manifold Surface Meshes

no code implementations30 Sep 2024 Tianchang Shen, Zhaoshuo Li, Marc Law, Matan Atzmon, Sanja Fidler, James Lucas, Jun Gao, Nicholas Sharp

In particular, our vertex embeddings generate cyclic neighbor relationships in a halfedge mesh representation, which gives a guarantee of edge-manifoldness and the ability to represent general polygonal meshes.

Stochastic Optimization

Ultrahyperbolic Neural Networks

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Marc Law

The lack of geodesic between every pair of ultrahyperbolic points makes the task of learning parametric models (e. g., neural networks) difficult.

Node Classification

A Theoretical Analysis of the Number of Shots in Few-Shot Learning

no code implementations ICLR 2020 Tianshi Cao, Marc Law, Sanja Fidler

We introduce a theoretical analysis of the impact of the shot number on Prototypical Networks, a state-of-the-art few-shot classification method.

Classification Few-Shot Learning +1

Centroid-based deep metric learning for speaker recognition

no code implementations6 Feb 2019 Jixuan Wang, Kuan-Chieh Wang, Marc Law, Frank Rudzicz, Michael Brudno

Speaker embedding models that utilize neural networks to map utterances to a space where distances reflect similarity between speakers have driven recent progress in the speaker recognition task.

Few-Shot Image Classification Few-Shot Learning +5

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