1 code implementation • 21 Jul 2021 • Ninon Burgos, Mauricio Díaz, Michael Bacci, Simona Bottani, Omar El-Rifai, Sabrina Fontanella, Pietro Gori, Jérémy Guillon, Alexis Guyot, Ravi Hassanaly, Thomas Jacquemont, Pascal Lu, Arnaud Marcoux, Tristan Moreau, Jorge Samper-González, Marc Teichmann, Elina Thibeau--Sutre, Ghislain Vaillant, Junhao Wen, Adam Wild, Marie-Odile Habert, Stanley Durrleman, Alexandre Routier, Olivier Colliot
It relies on the brain imaging data structure (BIDS) for the organization of raw neuroimaging datasets and on established tools written by the community to build its pipelines.
no code implementations • 19 Mar 2020 • Alexandre Morin, Jorge Samper-González, Anne Bertrand, Sebastian Stroer, Didier Dormont, Aline Mendes, Pierrick Coupé, Jamila Ahdidan, Marcel Lévy, Dalila Samri, Harald Hampel, Bruno Dubois, Marc Teichmann, Stéphane Epelbaum, Olivier Colliot
Using clinical routine T1-weighted MRI, we evaluated the classification performance of: 1) univariate volumetry using two AVS (volBrain and Neuroreader$^{TM}$); 2) Support Vector Machine (SVM) automatic classifier, using either the AVS volumes (SVM-AVS), or whole gray matter (SVM-WGM); 3) reading by two neuroradiologists.