Search Results for author: Marcel Sarstedt

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Potentials of Electric Vehicles for the Provision of Active and Reactive Power Flexibilities as Ancillary Services at Vertical Power System Interconnections

no code implementations19 Oct 2022 Manuel Wingenfelder, Marcel Sarstedt, Lutz Hofmann

The used method presents a promising approach to be used by the lower system operator as tool in the grid planning process to estimate the possible power flexibilities that can be provided to a higher system.

Monetarization of the Feasible Operation Region based on a Cost-Optimal Flexibility Disaggregation

no code implementations4 Nov 2021 Marcel Sarstedt, Lutz Hofmann

Hierarchical multi-(voltage-)level grid control strategies are an appropriate design concept for the coordination of future TSO/DSO- and DSO/DSO-interactions.

Probabilistic Stability Assessment for Active Distribution Grids

1 code implementation17 Jun 2021 Sebastian Liemann, Lia Strenge, Paul Schultz, Holm Hinners, Johannis Porst, Marcel Sarstedt, Frank Hellmann

This paper demonstrates the concept of probabilistic stability assessment on large-signal stability in the use case of short circuits in an active distribution grid.

Comparison of Convexificated SQCQP and PSO for the Optimal Transmission System Operation based on Incremental In-Phase and Quadrature Voltage Controlled Transformers

no code implementations2 Jun 2021 Marcel Sarstedt, Thomas Leveringhaus, Leonard Kluß, Lutz Hofmann

The optimal operation of electrical energy systems by solving a security constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF) problem is still a challenging research aspect.

Comparison of Random Sampling and Heuristic Optimization-Based Methods for Determining the Flexibility Potential at Vertical System Interconnections

no code implementations2 Jun 2021 Gerster Johannes, Marcel Sarstedt, Eric MSP Veith, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Lutz Hofmann

Second, we come up with a hybrid approach which solves the underlying optimal power flow problems of the optimization-based approach by means of a stochastic evolutionary optimization algorithm codenamed REvol.

Pointing out the Convolution Problem of Stochastic Aggregation Methods for the Determination of Flexibility Potentials at Vertical System Interconnections

no code implementations5 Feb 2021 Johannes Gerster, Marcel Sarstedt, Eric MSP Veith, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Lutz Hofmann

The increase of generation capacity in the area of responsibility of the distribution system operator (DSO) requires strengthening of coordination between transmission system operator (TSO) and DSO in order to prevent conflicting or counteracting use of flexibility options.

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