Search Results for author: Marco Baity-Jesi

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Machine learning-based prediction of fish acute mortality: implementation, interpretation, and regulatory relevance

no code implementations Environmental Science: Advances 2024 Lilian Gasser, Christoph Schür, Fernando Perez-Cruz, Kristin Schirmer, Marco Baity-Jesi

Regulation of chemicals requires knowledge of their toxicological effects on a large number of species, which has traditionally been acquired through in vivo testing.

Initial Guessing Bias: How Untrained Networks Favor Some Classes

1 code implementation1 Jun 2023 Emanuele Francazi, Aurelien Lucchi, Marco Baity-Jesi

Understanding and controlling biasing effects in neural networks is crucial for ensuring accurate and fair model performance.

A Theoretical Analysis of the Learning Dynamics under Class Imbalance

1 code implementation1 Jul 2022 Emanuele Francazi, Marco Baity-Jesi, Aurelien Lucchi

We find that GD is not guaranteed to decrease the loss for each class but that this problem can be addressed by performing a per-class normalization of the gradient.

Predicting Chemical Hazard across Taxa through Machine Learning

no code implementations7 Oct 2021 Jimeng Wu, Simone D'Ambrosi, Lorenz Ammann, Julita Stadnicka-Michalak, Kristin Schirmer, Marco Baity-Jesi

We used our approach with standard machine learning models (K-nearest neighbors, random forests and deep neural networks), as well as the recently proposed Read-Across Structure Activity Relationship (RASAR) models, which were very successful in predicting chemical hazards to mammals based on chemical similarity.

BIG-bench Machine Learning valid

Comparing Dynamics: Deep Neural Networks versus Glassy Systems

no code implementations ICML 2018 Marco Baity-Jesi, Levent Sagun, Mario Geiger, Stefano Spigler, Gerard Ben Arous, Chiara Cammarota, Yann Lecun, Matthieu Wyart, Giulio Biroli

We analyze numerically the training dynamics of deep neural networks (DNN) by using methods developed in statistical physics of glassy systems.

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