Search Results for author: Marco Palombo

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

$μ$GUIDE: a framework for quantitative imaging via generalized uncertainty-driven inference using deep learning

1 code implementation28 Dec 2023 Maëliss Jallais, Marco Palombo

The obtained posterior distributions allow to highlight degeneracies present in the model definition and quantify the uncertainty and ambiguity of the estimated parameters.

feature selection

Lossy compression of multidimensional medical images using sinusoidal activation networks: an evaluation study

1 code implementation2 Aug 2022 Matteo Mancini, Derek K. Jones, Marco Palombo

In this work, we evaluate how neural networks with periodic activation functions can be leveraged to reliably compress large multidimensional medical image datasets, with proof-of-concept application to 4D diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI).

Data Compression

Multi-Stage Prediction Networks for Data Harmonization

no code implementations26 Jul 2019 Stefano B. Blumberg, Marco Palombo, Can Son Khoo, Chantal M. W. Tax, Ryutaro Tanno, Daniel C. Alexander

Specifically, we introduce the Multi Stage Prediction (MSP) Network, a MTL framework that incorporates neural networks of potentially disparate architectures, trained for different individual acquisition platforms, into a larger architecture that is refined in unison.

Multi-Task Learning

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