Search Results for author: Marco Panero

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Flow-based Sampling for Entanglement Entropy and the Machine Learning of Defects

no code implementations18 Oct 2024 Andrea Bulgarelli, Elia Cellini, Karl Jansen, Stefan Kühn, Alessandro Nada, Shinichi Nakajima, Kim A. Nicoli, Marco Panero

We introduce a novel technique to numerically calculate R\'enyi entanglement entropies in lattice quantum field theory using generative models.

Stochastic normalizing flows as non-equilibrium transformations

no code implementations21 Jan 2022 Michele Caselle, Elia Cellini, Alessandro Nada, Marco Panero

Normalizing flows are a class of deep generative models that provide a promising route to sample lattice field theories more efficiently than conventional Monte Carlo simulations.

Topological excitations in statistical field theory at the upper critical dimension

no code implementations22 Dec 2020 Marco Panero, Antonio Smecca

We present a high-precision Monte Carlo study of the classical Heisenberg model in four dimensions, showing that in the broken-symmetry phase it supports topological, monopole-like excitations, whose properties confirm previous analytical predictions derived in quantum field theory.

Statistical Mechanics High Energy Physics - Lattice High Energy Physics - Theory Quantum Physics

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