Search Results for author: Marco Rossi

Found 8 papers, 6 papers with code

Assessment of few-hits machine learning classification algorithms for low energy physics in liquid argon detectors

1 code implementation16 May 2023 Roberto Moretti, Marco Rossi, Matteo Biassoni, Andrea Giachero, Michele Grossi, Daniele Guffanti, Danilo Labranca, Francesco Terranova, Sofia Vallecorsa

The physics potential of massive liquid argon TPCs in the low-energy regime is still to be fully reaped because few-hits events encode information that can hardly be exploited by conventional classification algorithms.


ChaCha for Online AutoML

1 code implementation9 Jun 2021 Qingyun Wu, Chi Wang, John Langford, Paul Mineiro, Marco Rossi

We propose the ChaCha (Champion-Challengers) algorithm for making an online choice of hyperparameters in online learning settings.

AutoML Scheduling

Deep Learning strategies for ProtoDUNE raw data denoising

1 code implementation2 Mar 2021 Marco Rossi, Sofia Vallecorsa

In this work, we investigate different machine learning-based strategies for denoising raw simulation data from the ProtoDUNE experiment.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Deep Learning +2

PDFFlow: hardware accelerating parton density access

1 code implementation15 Dec 2020 Marco Rossi, Stefano Carrazza, Juan M. Cruz-Martinez

We present PDFFlow, a new software for fast evaluation of parton distribution functions (PDFs) designed for platforms with hardware accelerators.

PDFFlow: parton distribution functions on GPU

1 code implementation14 Sep 2020 Stefano Carrazza, Juan M. Cruz-Martinez, Marco Rossi

We present PDFFlow, a new software for fast evaluation of parton distribution functions (PDFs) designed for platforms with hardware accelerators.

Analytical and cellular automaton approach to a generalized SEIR model for infection spread in an open crowded space

no code implementations4 Jun 2020 Andrea Nava, Alessandro Papa, Marco Rossi, Domenico Giuliano

We formulate a generalized susceptible exposed infectious recovered (SEIR) model on a graph, describing the population dynamics of an open crowded place with an arbitrary topology.

Physics and Society Populations and Evolution

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