Search Results for author: Maria Deprez

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

Applications of interpretable deep learning in neuroimaging: a comprehensive review

no code implementations30 May 2024 Lindsay Munroe, Mariana da Silva, Faezeh Heidari, Irina Grigorescu, Simon Dahan, Emma C. Robinson, Maria Deprez, Po-Wah So

We also reviewed five properties of iDL explanations that were analysed in the included studies: biological validity, robustness, continuity, selectivity, and downstream task performance.

Deep Learning

An automated pipeline for quantitative T2* fetal body MRI and segmentation at low field

no code implementations9 Aug 2023 Kelly Payette, Alena Uus, Jordina Aviles Verdera, Carla Avena Zampieri, Megan Hall, Lisa Story, Maria Deprez, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal, Sebastien Ourselin, Raphael Tomi-Tricot, Jana Hutter

In this study, we introduce a semi-automatic pipeline using quantitative MRI for the fetal body at low field strength resulting in fast and detailed quantitative T2* relaxometry analysis of all major fetal body organs.

Self-supervised Recurrent Neural Network for 4D Abdominal and In-utero MR Imaging

no code implementations28 Aug 2019 Tong Zhang, Laurence H. Jackson, Alena Uus, James R. Clough, Lisa Story, Mary A. Rutherford, Joseph V. Hajnal, Maria Deprez

The results show that the proposed pipeline can accurately estimate the respiratory state and reconstruct 4D SR volumes with better or similar performance to the 3D SVR pipeline with less than 20\% sparsely selected slices.

Image Reconstruction Motion Estimation +1

Fetal whole-heart 4D imaging using motion-corrected multi-planar real-time MRI

3 code implementations5 Dec 2018 Joshua FP van Amerom, David FA Lloyd, Maria Deprez, Anthony N. Price, Shaihan J. Malik, Kuberan Pushparajah, Milou PM van Poppel, Mary A. Rutherford, Reza Razavi, Joseph V. Hajnal

Expert evaluation suggested the reconstructed volumes can be used for comprehensive assessment of the fetal heart, either as an adjunct to ultrasound or in combination with other MRI techniques.

Medical Physics

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