no code implementations • RANLP 2019 • Maria Stambolieva
The paper presents a study of the French Imparfait and its functional equivalents in Bulgarian and English in view of applications in machine translation and error analysis.
no code implementations • RANLP 2019 • Maria Stambolieva
The resource is developed within the e-Platform of the NBU Laboratory for Language Technology and re-uses the rich corpus of educational material created at the Laboratory for the needs of NBU program modules, distance and blended learning language courses and other projects.
no code implementations • RANLP 2017 • Maria Stambolieva, Valentina Ivanova, Mariana Raykova, Milka Hadjikoteva, Mariya Neykova
The NBU Language Teaching Platform (PLT) was initially designed for teaching foreign languages for specific purposes; at a second stage, some of its functionalities were extended to answer the needs of teaching general foreign language.
no code implementations • RANLP 2017 • Maria Stambolieva
The paper presents part of an ongoing project of the Laboratory for Language Technologies of New Bulgarian University {--} {``}An e-Platform for Language Teaching (PLT){''} {--} the development of corpus-based teaching content for Business English courses.