Search Results for author: Marian Codreanu

Found 15 papers, 0 papers with code

Real-time Tracking in a Status Update System with an Imperfect Feedback Channel

no code implementations9 Jul 2024 Saeid Sadeghi Vilni, Abolfazl Zakeri, Mohammad Moltafet, Marian Codreanu

Thus, by exploiting a specific property of the belief evolution, we truncate the state space and formulate a finite-state MDP problem, which is then solved using the relative value iteration algorithm (RVIA).

Semantic-aware Sampling and Transmission in Energy Harvesting Systems: A POMDP Approach

no code implementations11 Nov 2023 Abolfazl Zakeri, Mohammad Moltafet, Marian Codreanu

Then, for both AoII under the perfect channel setup and distortion, we express the belief as a function of the age of information (AoI).

Deep Reinforcement Learning

Optimal Semantic-aware Sampling and Transmission in Energy Harvesting Systems Through the AoII

no code implementations3 Apr 2023 Abolfazl Zakeri, Mohammad Moltafet, Marian Codreanu

Then, for the perfect channel setup, we effectively truncate the corresponding belief space and solve the MDP problem using the relative value iteration method.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Stochastic Optimization

Status Updating under Partial Battery Knowledge in Energy Harvesting IoT Networks

no code implementations31 Mar 2023 Mohammad Hatami, Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

We study status updating under inexact knowledge about the battery levels of the energy harvesting sensors in an IoT network, where users make on-demand requests to a cache-enabled edge node to send updates about various random processes monitored by the sensors.

Decision Making

On the Age-Optimality of Relax-then-Truncate Approach under Partial Battery Knowledge in Energy Harvesting IoT Networks

no code implementations12 Dec 2022 Mohammad Hatami, Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

We consider an energy harvesting (EH) IoT network, where users make on-demand requests to a cache-enabled edge node to send status updates about various random processes, each monitored by an EH sensor.

Query-Age-Optimal Scheduling under Sampling and Transmission Constraints

no code implementations23 Sep 2022 Abolfazl Zakeri, Mohammad Moltafet, Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

This letter provides query-age-optimal joint sampling and transmission scheduling policies for a heterogeneous status update system, consisting of a stochastic arrival and a generate-at-will source, with an unreliable channel.


Multi-Source AoI-Constrained Resource Minimization under HARQ: Heterogeneous Sampling Processes

no code implementations19 Jul 2022 Saeid Sadeghi Vilni, Mohammad Moltafet, Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

Finally, we consider unknown environment and devise a learning-based transmission policy by relaxing the CMDP problem into an MDP problem using the DPP method and then adopting the deep Q-learning algorithm.

Q-Learning Scheduling

Status Updating with an Energy Harvesting Sensor under Partial Battery Knowledge

no code implementations19 Mar 2022 Mohammad Hatami, Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

We consider status updating under inexact knowledge of the battery level of an energy harvesting (EH) sensor that sends status updates about a random process to users via a cache-enabled edge node.

On-Demand AoI Minimization in Resource-Constrained Cache-Enabled IoT Networks with Energy Harvesting Sensors

no code implementations28 Jan 2022 Mohammad Hatami, Markus Leinonen, Zheng Chen, Nikolaos Pappas, Marian Codreanu

We consider a resource-constrained IoT network, where multiple users make on-demand requests to a cache-enabled edge node to send status updates about various random processes, each monitored by an energy harvesting sensor.

Minimizing AoI in Resource-Constrained Multi-Source Relaying Systems with Stochastic Arrivals

no code implementations10 Sep 2021 Abolfazl Zakeri, Mohammad Moltafet, Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

We propose an algorithm that obtains a stationary deterministic near-optimal policy, establishing a benchmark for the system.

Stochastic Optimization

Semantic Communications in Networked Systems: A Data Significance Perspective

no code implementations9 Mar 2021 Elif Uysal, Onur Kaya, Anthony Ephremides, James Gross, Marian Codreanu, Petar Popovski, Mohamad Assaad, Gianluigi Liva, Andrea Munari, Touraj Soleymani, Beatriz Soret, Karl Henrik Johansson

We present our vision for a departure from the established way of architecting and assessing communication networks, by incorporating the semantics of information for communications and control in networked systems.

Decision Making

AoI Minimization in Status Update Control with Energy Harvesting Sensors

no code implementations9 Sep 2020 Mohammad Hatami, Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

Users send requests to the edge node where a cache contains the most recently received measurements from each sensor.

Q-Learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Low-Complexity Vector Quantized Compressed Sensing via Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations17 May 2020 Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

In such a quantized compressed sensing (QCS) context, we address remote acquisition of a sparse source through vector quantized noisy compressive measurements.

Decoder Quantization

Age-Aware Status Update Control for Energy Harvesting IoT Sensors via Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations27 Apr 2020 Mohammad Hatami, Mojtaba Jahandideh, Markus Leinonen, Marian Codreanu

We consider an IoT sensing network with multiple users, multiple energy harvesting sensors, and a wireless edge node acting as a gateway between the users and sensors.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

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