Search Results for author: Marie Candito

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

Comparing linear and neural models for competitive MWE identification

no code implementations WS (NoDaLiDa) 2019 Hazem Al Saied, Marie Candito, Mathieu Constant

In this paper, we compare the use of linear versus neural classifiers in a greedy transition system for MWE identification.

Syntax-based identification of light-verb constructions

no code implementations WS (NoDaLiDa) 2019 Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro, Marie Candito

This paper analyzes results on light-verb construction identification from the PARSEME shared-task, distinguishing between simple cases that could be directly learned from training data from more complex cases that require an extra level of semantic processing.

Tâches auxiliaires pour l’analyse biaffine en graphes de dépendances (Auxiliary tasks to boost Biaffine Semantic Dependency Parsing)

no code implementations JEP/TALN/RECITAL 2022 Marie Candito

L’analyseur biaffine de Dozat & Manning (2017), qui produit des arbres de dépendances syntaxiques, a été étendu avec succès aux graphes de dépendances syntaxico-sémantiques (Dozat & Manning, 2018).

Dependency Parsing Semantic Dependency Parsing

The Self-Contained Negation Test Set

no code implementations21 Aug 2024 David Kletz, Pascal Amsili, Marie Candito

In this article, we build on Gubelmann and Handschuh (2022), which studies the modification of PLMs' predictions as a function of the polarity of inputs, in English.

Negation Position

Probing structural constraints of negation in Pretrained Language Models

no code implementations6 Aug 2024 David Kletz, Marie Candito, Pascal Amsili

We find that contextual representations of tokens inside the negation scope do allow for (i) a better prediction of the presence of not compared to those outside the scope and (ii) a better prediction of the right polarity of a masked polarity item licensed by not, although the magnitude of the difference varies from PLM to PLM.

Negation Sentence

Auxiliary Tasks to Boost Biaffine Semantic Dependency Parsing

1 code implementation Findings (ACL) 2022 Marie Candito

The biaffine parser of Dozat and Manning (2017) was successfully extended to semantic dependency parsing (SDP) (Dozat and Manning, 2018).

Dependency Parsing Semantic Dependency Parsing +1

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