no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Jan Haji{\v{c}}, Eduard Bej{\v{c}}ek, Jaroslava Hlavacova, Marie Mikulov{\'a}, Milan Straka, Jan {\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'a}nek, Barbora {\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'a}nkov{\'a}
We present a richly annotated and genre-diversified language resource, the Prague Dependency Treebank-Consolidated 1. 0 (PDT-C 1. 0), the purpose of which is - as it always been the case for the family of the Prague Dependency Treebanks - to serve both as a training data for various types of NLP tasks as well as for linguistically-oriented research.
1 code implementation • LREC 2016 • Anna Nedoluzhko, Michal Nov{\'a}k, Silvie Cinkov{\'a}, Marie Mikulov{\'a}, Ji{\v{r}}{\'\i} M{\'\i}rovsk{\'y}
We present coreference annotation on parallel Czech-English texts of the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank (PCEDT).
no code implementations • LREC 2012 • Jan Haji{\v{c}}, Eva Haji{\v{c}}ov{\'a}, Jarmila Panevov{\'a}, Petr Sgall, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar, Silvie Cinkov{\'a}, Eva Fu{\v{c}}{\'\i}kov{\'a}, Marie Mikulov{\'a}, Petr Pajas, Jan Popelka, Ji{\v{r}}{\'\i} Semeck{\'y}, Jana {\v{S}}indlerov{\'a}, Jan {\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'a}nek, Josef Toman, Zde{\v{n}}ka Ure{\v{s}}ov{\'a}, Zden{\v{e}}k {\v{Z}}abokrtsk{\'y}
We introduce a substantial update of the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank, a parallel corpus manually annotated at the deep syntactic layer of linguistic representation.