Search Results for author: Marina Meilă

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

Manifold learning: what, how, and why

no code implementations7 Nov 2023 Marina Meilă, Hanyu Zhang

Manifold learning (ML), known also as non-linear dimension reduction, is a set of methods to find the low dimensional structure of data.

Dimensionality Reduction

Distribution free optimality intervals for clustering

no code implementations30 Jul 2021 Marina Meilă, Hanyu Zhang

We demonstrate the practical relevance of this method by obtaining guarantees for the K-means and the Normalized Cut clustering criteria on realistic data sets.


The decomposition of the higher-order homology embedding constructed from the $k$-Laplacian

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Yu-Chia Chen, Marina Meilă

The study of the null space embedding of the graph Laplacian $\mathbf{\mathcal L}_0$ has spurred new research and applications, such as spectral clustering algorithms with theoretical guarantees and estimators of the Stochastic Block Model.

Clustering Stochastic Block Model

Helmholtzian Eigenmap: Topological feature discovery & edge flow learning from point cloud data

no code implementations13 Mar 2021 Yu-Chia Chen, Weicheng Wu, Marina Meilă, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis

In this work, we propose the estimation of the manifold Helmholtzian from point cloud data by a weighted 1-Laplacian $\mathcal L_1$.

Selecting the independent coordinates of manifolds with large aspect ratios

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Yu-Chia Chen, Marina Meilă

Many manifold embedding algorithms fail apparently when the data manifold has a large aspect ratio (such as a long, thin strip).

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