Search Results for author: Marios Kountouris

Found 26 papers, 4 papers with code

Trustworthy Intrusion Detection: Confidence Estimation Using Latent Space

no code implementations19 Sep 2024 Ioannis Pitsiorlas, George Arvanitakis, Marios Kountouris

This work introduces a novel method for enhancing confidence in anomaly detection in Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) through the use of a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) architecture.

Anomaly Detection Binary Classification +1

Alternating Minimization Schemes for Computing Rate-Distortion-Perception Functions with $f$-Divergence Perception Constraints

no code implementations27 Aug 2024 Giuseppe Serra, Photios A. Stavrou, Marios Kountouris

We employ the developed solutions in an alternating minimization scheme, namely Optimal Alternating Minimization (OAM), for which we provide convergence guarantees.

DRACO: Decentralized Asynchronous Federated Learning over Continuous Row-Stochastic Network Matrices

no code implementations19 Jun 2024 Eunjeong Jeong, Marios Kountouris

Recent developments and emerging use cases, such as smart Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge AI, have sparked considerable interest in the training of neural networks over fully decentralized (serverless) networks.

Federated Learning

A Latent Space Metric for Enhancing Prediction Confidence in Earth Observation Data

no code implementations30 Jan 2024 Ioannis Pitsiorlas, Argyro Tsantalidou, George Arvanitakis, Marios Kountouris, Charalambos Kontoes

This study presents a new approach for estimating confidence in machine learning model predictions, specifically in regression tasks utilizing Earth Observation (EO) data, with a particular focus on mosquito abundance (MA) estimation.

Earth Observation

How to Collaborate: Towards Maximizing the Generalization Performance in Cross-Silo Federated Learning

no code implementations24 Jan 2024 Yuchang Sun, Marios Kountouris, Jun Zhang

We show that the generalization performance of a client can be improved only by collaborating with other clients that have more training data and similar data distribution.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

From OTFS to AFDM: A Comparative Study of Next-Generation Waveforms for ISAC in Doubly-Dispersive Channels

no code implementations15 Jan 2024 Hyeon Seok Rou, Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu, Junil Choi, David González G., Marios Kountouris, Yong Liang Guan, Osvaldo Gonsa

Next-generation wireless systems will offer integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) functionalities not only in order to enable new applications, but also as a means to mitigate challenges such as doubly-dispersive channels, which arise in high mobility scenarios and/or at millimeter-wave (mmWave) and Terahertz (THz) bands.

On the Computation of the Gaussian Rate-Distortion-Perception Function

no code implementations15 Nov 2023 Giuseppe Serra, Photios A. Stavrou, Marios Kountouris

In this paper, we study the computation of the rate-distortion-perception function (RDPF) for a multivariate Gaussian source under mean squared error (MSE) distortion and, respectively, Kullback-Leibler divergence, geometric Jensen-Shannon divergence, squared Hellinger distance, and squared Wasserstein-2 distance perception metrics.

AFDM vs OTFS: A Comparative Study of Promising Waveforms for ISAC in Doubly-Dispersive Channels

no code implementations10 Sep 2023 Hyeon Seok Rou, Giuseppe Thadeu Freitas de Abreu, Junil Choi, David González G., Osvaldo Gonsa, Yong Liang Guan, Marios Kountouris

**PLEASE FIND THE FULL EXTENDED ARTICLE "From OTFS to AFDM: A Comparative Study of Next-Generation Waveforms for ISAC in Doubly-Dispersive Channels" (Accepted for publication at the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine - Special Issue on Signal Processing for the Integrated Sensing and Communications Revolution)** This white paper aims to briefly describe a proposed article that will provide a thorough comparative study of waveforms designed to exploit the features of doubly-dispersive channels arising in heterogeneous high-mobility scenarios as expected in the beyond fifth generation (B5G) and sixth generation (6G), in relation to their suitability to integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) systems.

Blind Asynchronous Goal-Oriented Detection for Massive Connectivity

no code implementations21 Jun 2023 Sajad Daei, Saeed Razavikia, Marios Kountouris, Mikael Skoglund, Gabor Fodor, Carlo Fischione

Resource allocation and multiple access schemes are instrumental for the success of communication networks, which facilitate seamless wireless connectivity among a growing population of uncoordinated and non-synchronized users.

Personalized Decentralized Federated Learning with Knowledge Distillation

no code implementations23 Feb 2023 Eunjeong Jeong, Marios Kountouris

To cope with this issue, we propose a personalized and fully decentralized FL algorithm, leveraging knowledge distillation techniques to empower each device so as to discern statistical distances between local models.

Federated Learning Knowledge Distillation

Goal-Oriented Communications for the IoT and Application to Data Compression

no code implementations10 Nov 2022 Chao Zhang, Hang Zou, Samson Lasaulce, Walid Saad, Marios Kountouris, Mehdi Bennis

Internet of Things (IoT) devices will play an important role in emerging applications, since their sensing, actuation, processing, and wireless communication capabilities stimulate data collection, transmission and decision processes of smart applications.

Data Compression

Communication-Efficient Distributionally Robust Decentralized Learning

no code implementations31 May 2022 Matteo Zecchin, Marios Kountouris, David Gesbert

Decentralized learning algorithms empower interconnected devices to share data and computational resources to collaboratively train a machine learning model without the aid of a central coordinator.

Robust PAC$^m$: Training Ensemble Models Under Misspecification and Outliers

no code implementations3 Mar 2022 Matteo Zecchin, Sangwoo Park, Osvaldo Simeone, Marios Kountouris, David Gesbert

Standard Bayesian learning is known to have suboptimal generalization capabilities under misspecification and in the presence of outliers.

UAV-Aided Decentralized Learning over Mesh Networks

no code implementations2 Mar 2022 Matteo Zecchin, David Gesbert, Marios Kountouris

Decentralized learning empowers wireless network devices to collaboratively train a machine learning (ML) model relying solely on device-to-device (D2D) communication.

Towards Disentangling Information Paths with Coded ResNeXt

1 code implementation10 Feb 2022 Apostolos Avranas, Marios Kountouris

We propose a neural network architecture for classification, in which the information that is relevant to each class flows through specific paths.

Asynchronous Decentralized Learning over Unreliable Wireless Networks

no code implementations2 Feb 2022 Eunjeong Jeong, Matteo Zecchin, Marios Kountouris

Decentralized learning enables edge users to collaboratively train models by exchanging information via device-to-device communication, yet prior works have been limited to wireless networks with fixed topologies and reliable workers.

LIDAR and Position-Aided mmWave Beam Selection with Non-local CNNs and Curriculum Training

1 code implementation29 Apr 2021 Matteo Zecchin, Mahdi Boloursaz Mashhadi, Mikolaj Jankowski, Deniz Gunduz, Marios Kountouris, David Gesbert

Efficient millimeter wave (mmWave) beam selection in vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication is a crucial yet challenging task due to the narrow mmWave beamwidth and high user mobility.

Knowledge Distillation Position

Team Deep Mixture of Experts for Distributed Power Control

no code implementations28 Jul 2020 Matteo Zecchin, David Gesbert, Marios Kountouris

In the context of wireless networking, it was recently shown that multiple DNNs can be jointly trained to offer a desired collaborative behaviour capable of coping with a broad range of sensing uncertainties.

speech-recognition Speech Recognition

Massive MIMO Systems with Non-Ideal Hardware: Energy Efficiency, Estimation, and Capacity Limits

1 code implementation9 Jul 2013 Emil Björnson, Jakob Hoydis, Marios Kountouris, Mérouane Debbah

The use of large-scale antenna arrays can bring substantial improvements in energy and/or spectral efficiency to wireless systems due to the greatly improved spatial resolution and array gain.

Information Theory Information Theory

Receive Combining vs. Multi-Stream Multiplexing in Downlink Systems with Multi-Antenna Users

1 code implementation11 Jul 2012 Emil Björnson, Marios Kountouris, Mats Bengtsson, Björn Ottersten

Analytic results are derived to show how user selection, spatial correlation, heterogeneous user conditions, and imperfect channel acquisition (quantization or estimation errors) affect the performance when sending the maximal number of streams or one stream per scheduled user---the two extremes in data stream allocation.

Information Theory Information Theory

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