Search Results for author: Mark J. Cook

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Epileptic seizure forecasting with long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks

no code implementations18 Sep 2023 Daniel E. Payne, Jordan D. Chambers, Anthony Burkitt, Mark J. Cook, Levin Kuhlman, Dean R. Freestone, David B. Grayden

Monitoring the change in EEG features over time allowed our model to produce good results over a range of different window sizes, which is an improvement on previous models and raises the possibility of altering the forecast to meet individual patient needs.


Path Signatures for Seizure Forecasting

no code implementations18 Aug 2023 Jonas F. Haderlein, Andre D. H. Peterson, Parvin Zarei Eskikand, Mark J. Cook, Anthony N. Burkitt, Iven M. Y. Mareels, David B. Grayden

In computational neuroscience, the prediction of future epileptic seizures from brain activity measurements, using EEG data, remains largely unresolved despite much dedicated research effort.

EEG Seizure prediction +2

Brain Model State Space Reconstruction Using an LSTM Neural Network

no code implementations20 Jan 2023 Yueyang Liu, Artemio Soto-Breceda, Yun Zhao, Phillipa Karoly, Mark J. Cook, David B. Grayden, Daniel Schmidt, Levin Kuhlmann1

Approach An LSTM filter was trained on simulated EEG data generated by a neural mass model using a wide range of parameters.


Chronic iEEG recordings and interictal spike rate reveal multiscale temporal modulations in seizure states

no code implementations27 Jan 2022 Gabrielle M. Schroeder, Philippa J. Karoly, Matias Maturana, Mariella Panagiotopoulou, Peter N. Taylor, Mark J. Cook, Yujiang Wang

We then compared SNS occurrence and duration to (1) time since implantation and (2) patient-specific circadian and multidien cycles in interictal spike rate.


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