Search Results for author: Markus Kunesch

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

Beyond Bayes-optimality: meta-learning what you know you don't know

no code implementations30 Sep 2022 Jordi Grau-Moya, Grégoire Delétang, Markus Kunesch, Tim Genewein, Elliot Catt, Kevin Li, Anian Ruoss, Chris Cundy, Joel Veness, Jane Wang, Marcus Hutter, Christopher Summerfield, Shane Legg, Pedro Ortega

This is in contrast to risk-sensitive agents, which additionally exploit the higher-order moments of the return, and ambiguity-sensitive agents, which act differently when recognizing situations in which they lack knowledge.

Decision Making Meta-Learning

Your Policy Regularizer is Secretly an Adversary

no code implementations23 Mar 2022 Rob Brekelmans, Tim Genewein, Jordi Grau-Moya, Grégoire Delétang, Markus Kunesch, Shane Legg, Pedro Ortega

Policy regularization methods such as maximum entropy regularization are widely used in reinforcement learning to improve the robustness of a learned policy.

Model-Free Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations4 Nov 2021 Grégoire Delétang, Jordi Grau-Moya, Markus Kunesch, Tim Genewein, Rob Brekelmans, Shane Legg, Pedro A. Ortega

Since the Gaussian free energy is known to be a certainty-equivalent sensitive to the mean and the variance, the learning rule has applications in risk-sensitive decision-making.

Decision Making reinforcement-learning +2

Stochastic Approximation of Gaussian Free Energy for Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Grégoire Delétang, Jordi Grau-Moya, Markus Kunesch, Tim Genewein, Rob Brekelmans, Shane Legg, Pedro A Ortega

Since the Gaussian free energy is known to be a certainty-equivalent sensitive to the mean and the variance, the learning rule has applications in risk-sensitive decision-making.

Decision Making reinforcement-learning +1

Human-interpretable model explainability on high-dimensional data

no code implementations14 Oct 2020 Damien de Mijolla, Christopher Frye, Markus Kunesch, John Mansir, Ilya Feige

The importance of explainability in machine learning continues to grow, as both neural-network architectures and the data they model become increasingly complex.

Image Classification Image-to-Image Translation +2

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