Search Results for author: Markus Rummel

Found 3 papers, 3 papers with code

Extremal learning: extremizing the output of a neural network in regression problems

1 code implementation6 Feb 2021 Zakaria Patel, Markus Rummel

Finding the extremizing input of an approximated model is formulated as the training of an additional neural network with a loss function that minimizes when the extremizing input is achieved.


Constraining Fundamental Physics with the Event Horizon Telescope

1 code implementation31 Dec 2019 Markus Rummel, C. P. Burgess

We show how EHT observations can constrain this reflection coefficient, assuming only that the deviations from GR are small enough to be treated perturbatively.

General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology High Energy Physics - Theory

Improving Statistical Sensitivity of X-ray Searches for Axion-Like Particles

1 code implementation17 Aug 2018 Joseph P. Conlon, Markus Rummel

X-ray observations of bright AGNs in or behind galaxy clusters offer unique capabilities to constrain axion-like particles (ALPs).

Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

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