Search Results for author: Markus Tiersch

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Active learning machine learns to create new quantum experiments

no code implementations2 Jun 2017 Alexey A. Melnikov, Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Mario Krenn, Vedran Dunjko, Markus Tiersch, Anton Zeilinger, Hans J. Briegel

We investigate this question by using the projective simulation model, a physics-oriented approach to artificial intelligence.

Active Learning

Projective simulation for classical learning agents: a comprehensive investigation

no code implementations7 May 2013 Julian Mautner, Adi Makmal, Daniel Manzano, Markus Tiersch, Hans J. Briegel

We study the model of projective simulation (PS), a novel approach to artificial intelligence based on stochastic processing of episodic memory which was recently introduced [H. J.

Q-Learning Reinforcement Learning

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