Search Results for author: Marta Kryven

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

Modeling human intention inference in continuous 3D domains by inverse planning and body kinematics

no code implementations2 Dec 2021 Yingdong Qian, Marta Kryven, Tao Gao, Hanbyul Joo, Josh Tenenbaum

We describe Generative Body Kinematics model, which predicts human intention inference in this domain using Bayesian inverse planning and inverse body kinematics.

Communicating Natural Programs to Humans and Machines

2 code implementations15 Jun 2021 Samuel Acquaviva, Yewen Pu, Marta Kryven, Theodoros Sechopoulos, Catherine Wong, Gabrielle E Ecanow, Maxwell Nye, Michael Henry Tessler, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

We present LARC, the \textit{Language-complete ARC}: a collection of natural language descriptions by a group of human participants who instruct each other on how to solve ARC tasks using language alone, which contains successful instructions for 88\% of the ARC tasks.

ARC Program Synthesis

Program Synthesis with Pragmatic Communication

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Yewen Pu, Kevin Ellis, Marta Kryven, Josh Tenenbaum, Armando Solar-Lezama

Given a specification, we score a candidate program both on its consistency with the specification, and also whether a rational speaker would chose this particular specification to communicate that program.

Inductive Bias Program Synthesis

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