1 code implementation • 27 Mar 2023 • Fajar J. Ekaputra, Majlinda Llugiqi, Marta Sabou, Andreas Ekelhart, Heiko Paulheim, Anna Breit, Artem Revenko, Laura Waltersdorfer, Kheir Eddine Farfar, Sören Auer
In line with the general trend in artificial intelligence research to create intelligent systems that combine learning and symbolic components, a new sub-area has emerged that focuses on combining machine learning (ML) components with techniques developed by the Semantic Web (SW) community - Semantic Web Machine Learning (SWeML for short).
2 code implementations • Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020 • Markus Zlabinger, Marta Sabou, Sebastian Hofst{\"a}tter, Allan Hanbury
Obtaining such a corpus from crowdworkers, however, has been shown to be ineffective since (i) workers usually lack domain-specific expertise to conduct the task with sufficient quality, and (ii) the standard approach of annotating entire abstracts of trial reports as one task-instance (i. e. HIT) leads to an uneven distribution in task effort.
1 code implementation • 17 May 2020 • Markus Zlabinger, Marta Sabou, Sebastian Hofstätter, Mete Sertkan, Allan Hanbury
of 0. 68 to experts in DEXA vs. 0. 40 in CONTROL); (ii) already three per majority voting aggregated annotations of the DEXA approach reach substantial agreements to experts of 0. 78/0. 75/0. 69 for P/I/O (in CONTROL 0. 73/0. 58/0. 46).
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • Marta Sabou, Kalina Bontcheva, Leon Derczynski, Arno Scharl
Crowdsourcing is an emerging collaborative approach that can be used for the acquisition of annotated corpora and a wide range of other linguistic resources.
no code implementations • LREC 2012 • Arno Scharl, Marta Sabou, Stefan Gindl, Walter Rafelsberger, Albert Weichselbraun
We describe the goals and structure of the game, the underlying application framework, the sentiment lexicons gathered through crowdsourcing, as well as a novel approach to automatically extend the lexicons by means of a bootstrapping process.