no code implementations • 10 Jun 2024 • Frédéric Chazal, Martin Royer, Clément Levrard
This paper introduces new methodology based on the field of Topological Data Analysis for detecting anomalies in multivariate time series, that aims to detect global changes in the dependency structure between channels.
no code implementations • 30 Sep 2019 • Martin Royer, Frédéric Chazal, Clément Levrard, Umeda Yuhei, Ike Yuichi
Robust topological information commonly comes in the form of a set of persistence diagrams, finite measures that are in nature uneasy to affix to generic machine learning frameworks.
1 code implementation • 20 Apr 2019 • Mathieu Carrière, Frédéric Chazal, Yuichi Ike, Théo Lacombe, Martin Royer, Yuhei Umeda
Persistence diagrams, the most common descriptors of Topological Data Analysis, encode topological properties of data and have already proved pivotal in many different applications of data science.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2017 • Martin Royer
We analyze the clustering problem through a flexible probabilistic model that aims to identify an optimal partition on the sample X1,..., Xn.
1 code implementation • 16 Jun 2016 • Florentina Bunea, Christophe Giraud, Martin Royer, Nicolas Verzelen
The problem of variable clustering is that of grouping similar components of a $p$-dimensional vector $X=(X_{1},\ldots, X_{p})$, and estimating these groups from $n$ independent copies of $X$.
Statistics Theory Statistics Theory
1 code implementation • 8 Aug 2015 • Florentina Bunea, Christophe Giraud, Xi Luo, Martin Royer, Nicolas Verzelen
We quantify the difficulty of clustering data generated from a G-block covariance model in terms of cluster proximity, measured with respect to two related, but different, cluster separation metrics.