no code implementations • 23 Nov 2020 • Mehrdad Farajtabar, Andrew Lee, Yuanjian Feng, Vishal Gupta, Peter Dolan, Harish Chandran, Martin Szummer
Estimating individual and average treatment effects from observational data is an important problem in many domains such as healthcare and e-commerce.
no code implementations • 21 Aug 2020 • Nan Rosemary Ke, Jane. X. Wang, Jovana Mitrovic, Martin Szummer, Danilo J. Rezende
The CRN represent causal models using continuous representations and hence could scale much better with the number of variables.
no code implementations • ICLR 2020 • Johannes Welbl, Po-Sen Huang, Robert Stanforth, Sven Gowal, Krishnamurthy (Dj) Dvijotham, Martin Szummer, Pushmeet Kohli
Neural networks are widely used in Natural Language Processing, yet despite their empirical successes, their behaviour is brittle: they are both over-sensitive to small input changes, and under-sensitive to deletions of large fractions of input text.