Search Results for author: Mary-Anne Hartley

Found 11 papers, 6 papers with code

Efficient Classification of Histopathology Images

no code implementations8 Sep 2024 Mohammad Iqbal Nouyed, Mary-Anne Hartley, Gianfranco Doretto, Donald A. Adjeroh

We use images with annotated tumor regions to identify a set of tumor patches and a set of benign patches in a cancerous slide.

Classification Data Augmentation +2

Unlearning Information Bottleneck: Machine Unlearning of Systematic Patterns and Biases

no code implementations22 May 2024 Ling Han, Hao Huang, Dustin Scheinost, Mary-Anne Hartley, María Rodríguez Martínez

Effective adaptation to distribution shifts in training data is pivotal for sustaining robustness in neural networks, especially when removing specific biases or outdated information, a process known as machine unlearning.

Machine Unlearning

Towards Independence Criterion in Machine Unlearning of Features and Labels

no code implementations12 Mar 2024 Ling Han, Nanqing Luo, Hao Huang, Jing Chen, Mary-Anne Hartley

This work delves into the complexities of machine unlearning in the face of distributional shifts, particularly focusing on the challenges posed by non-uniform feature and label removal.

Machine Unlearning

TimEHR: Image-based Time Series Generation for Electronic Health Records

1 code implementation9 Feb 2024 Hojjat Karami, Mary-Anne Hartley, David Atienza, Anisoara Ionescu

Time series in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) present unique challenges for generative models, such as irregular sampling, missing values, and high dimensionality.

Generative Adversarial Network Missing Values +2

MultiModN- Multimodal, Multi-Task, Interpretable Modular Networks

1 code implementation25 Sep 2023 Vinitra Swamy, Malika Satayeva, Jibril Frej, Thierry Bossy, Thijs Vogels, Martin Jaggi, Tanja Käser, Mary-Anne Hartley

Predicting multiple real-world tasks in a single model often requires a particularly diverse feature space.

Modular Clinical Decision Support Networks (MoDN) -- Updatable, Interpretable, and Portable Predictions for Evolving Clinical Environments

1 code implementation12 Nov 2022 Cécile Trottet, Thijs Vogels, Martin Jaggi, Mary-Anne Hartley

Data-driven Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) have the potential to improve and standardise care with personalised probabilistic guidance.

Privacy Preserving

Optimal Model Averaging: Towards Personalized Collaborative Learning

no code implementations25 Oct 2021 Felix Grimberg, Mary-Anne Hartley, Sai P. Karimireddy, Martin Jaggi

In federated learning, differences in the data or objectives between the participating nodes motivate approaches to train a personalized machine learning model for each node.

Federated Learning

WAFFLE: Weighted Averaging for Personalized Federated Learning

no code implementations13 Oct 2021 Martin Beaussart, Felix Grimberg, Mary-Anne Hartley, Martin Jaggi

Through a series of experiments, we compare our new approach to two recent personalized federated learning methods--Weight Erosion and APFL--as well as two general FL methods--Federated Averaging and SCAFFOLD.

Personalized Federated Learning

IFedAvg: Interpretable Data-Interoperability for Federated Learning

1 code implementation14 Jul 2021 David Roschewitz, Mary-Anne Hartley, Luca Corinzia, Martin Jaggi

Thus, enabling the detection of outlier datasets in the federation and also learning the compensation for local data distribution shifts without sharing any original data.

Federated Learning

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