Search Results for author: Masoud Asadpour

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Personality Analysis for Social Media Users using Arabic language and its Effect on Sentiment Analysis

no code implementations8 Jul 2024 Mokhaiber Dandash, Masoud Asadpour

This research contributes to the ongoing efforts in developing robust understanding of the relation between human behaviour on social media and personality features for real-world applications, such as political discourse analysis, and public opinion tracking.

Sentiment Analysis

COfEE: A Comprehensive Ontology for Event Extraction from text

no code implementations21 Jul 2021 Ali Balali, Masoud Asadpour, Seyed Hossein Jafari

Data is published on the web over time in great volumes, but majority of the data is unstructured, making it hard to understand and difficult to interpret.

Event Extraction Information Retrieval +1

Joint Event Extraction along Shortest Dependency Paths using Graph Convolutional Networks

no code implementations19 Mar 2020 Ali Balali, Masoud Asadpour, Ricardo Campos, Adam Jatowt

Also, an attention-based graph convolutional network is proposed, to carry syntactically related information along the shortest paths between argument candidates that captures and aggregates the latent associations between arguments; a problem that has been overlooked by most of the literature.

Event Extraction Information Retrieval +3

SimBins: An information-theoretic approach to link prediction in real multiplex networks

no code implementations27 Aug 2019 Seyed Hossein Jafari, Amir Mahdi Abdolhosseini-Qomi, Maseud Rahgozar, Masoud Asadpour, Naser Yazdani

Accordingly, a similarity-based automatic general-purpose multiplex link prediction method -- SimBins -- is devised that quantifies the amount of connection uncertainty based on observed inter-layer correlations in a multiplex network.

Link Prediction Physics and Society Social and Information Networks Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability

Link Prediction in Real-World Multiplex Networks via Layer Reconstruction Method

1 code implementation22 Jun 2019 Amir Mahdi Abdolhosseini-Qomi, Seyed Hossein Jafari, Amirheckmat Taghizadeh, Naser Yazdani, Masoud Asadpour, Masoud Rahgozar

Furthermore, it is shown that missing links are highly predictable if their addition or removal do not significantly change the network structural features.

Physics and Society Social and Information Networks Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability

Community Aware Random Walk for Network Embedding

no code implementations14 Oct 2017 Mohammad Mehdi Keikha, Maseud Rahgozar, Masoud Asadpour

Social network analysis provides meaningful information about behavior of network members that can be used for diverse applications such as classification, link prediction.

General Classification Link Prediction +2

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