Search Results for author: Massimiliano Lupo Pasini

Found 12 papers, 2 papers with code

DeepSpeed4Science Initiative: Enabling Large-Scale Scientific Discovery through Sophisticated AI System Technologies

no code implementations6 Oct 2023 Shuaiwen Leon Song, Bonnie Kruft, Minjia Zhang, Conglong Li, Shiyang Chen, Chengming Zhang, Masahiro Tanaka, Xiaoxia Wu, Jeff Rasley, Ammar Ahmad Awan, Connor Holmes, Martin Cai, Adam Ghanem, Zhongzhu Zhou, Yuxiong He, Pete Luferenko, Divya Kumar, Jonathan Weyn, Ruixiong Zhang, Sylwester Klocek, Volodymyr Vragov, Mohammed AlQuraishi, Gustaf Ahdritz, Christina Floristean, Cristina Negri, Rao Kotamarthi, Venkatram Vishwanath, Arvind Ramanathan, Sam Foreman, Kyle Hippe, Troy Arcomano, Romit Maulik, Maxim Zvyagin, Alexander Brace, Bin Zhang, Cindy Orozco Bohorquez, Austin Clyde, Bharat Kale, Danilo Perez-Rivera, Heng Ma, Carla M. Mann, Michael Irvin, J. Gregory Pauloski, Logan Ward, Valerie Hayot, Murali Emani, Zhen Xie, Diangen Lin, Maulik Shukla, Ian Foster, James J. Davis, Michael E. Papka, Thomas Brettin, Prasanna Balaprakash, Gina Tourassi, John Gounley, Heidi Hanson, Thomas E Potok, Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Kate Evans, Dan Lu, Dalton Lunga, Junqi Yin, Sajal Dash, Feiyi Wang, Mallikarjun Shankar, Isaac Lyngaas, Xiao Wang, Guojing Cong, Pei Zhang, Ming Fan, Siyan Liu, Adolfy Hoisie, Shinjae Yoo, Yihui Ren, William Tang, Kyle Felker, Alexey Svyatkovskiy, Hang Liu, Ashwin Aji, Angela Dalton, Michael Schulte, Karl Schulz, Yuntian Deng, Weili Nie, Josh Romero, Christian Dallago, Arash Vahdat, Chaowei Xiao, Thomas Gibbs, Anima Anandkumar, Rick Stevens

In the upcoming decade, deep learning may revolutionize the natural sciences, enhancing our capacity to model and predict natural occurrences.

scientific discovery

A deep learning approach for adaptive zoning

no code implementations10 Dec 2022 Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Luka Malenica, Kwitae Chong, Stuart Slattery

We also show that the surrogate DL model reduces the computational time to perform adaptive zoning by at least a 2x factor with respect to standard techniques without compromising the accuracy of the reconstruction of the physical quantities of interest.

Deep Learning

A deep learning approach for detection and localization of leaf anomalies

no code implementations7 Oct 2022 Davide Calabrò, Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Nicola Ferro, Simona Perotto

The detection and localization of possible diseases in crops are usually automated by resorting to supervised deep learning approaches.

Image Reconstruction

A deep learning approach to solve forward differential problems on graphs

no code implementations7 Oct 2022 YuanYuan Zhao, Massimiliano Lupo Pasini

We propose a novel deep learning (DL) approach to solve one-dimensional non-linear elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic problems on graphs.

Stable Parallel Training of Wasserstein Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks

no code implementations25 Jul 2022 Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Junqi Yin

We propose a stable, parallel approach to train Wasserstein Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks (W-CGANs) under the constraint of a fixed computational budget.

Scalable training of graph convolutional neural networks for fast and accurate predictions of HOMO-LUMO gap in molecules

no code implementations22 Jul 2022 Jong Youl Choi, Pei Zhang, Kshitij Mehta, Andrew Blanchard, Massimiliano Lupo Pasini

Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN) is a popular class of deep learning (DL) models in material science to predict material properties from the graph representation of molecular structures.

Distributed Computing Management

Hierarchical model reduction driven by machine learning for parametric advection-diffusion-reaction problems in the presence of noisy data

no code implementations1 Apr 2022 Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Simona Perotto

We propose a new approach to generate a reliable reduced model for a parametric elliptic problem, in the presence of noisy data.

Multi-task graph neural networks for simultaneous prediction of global and atomic properties in ferromagnetic systems

1 code implementation4 Feb 2022 Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Pei Zhang, Samuel Temple Reeve, Jong Youl Choi

We train HydraGNN on an open-source ab initio density functional theory (DFT) dataset for iron-platinum (FePt) with a fixed body centered tetragonal (BCT) lattice structure and fixed volume to simultaneously predict the mixing enthalpy (a global feature of the system), the atomic charge transfer, and the atomic magnetic moment across configurations that span the entire compositional range.

Multi-Task Learning

Stable Anderson Acceleration for Deep Learning

1 code implementation26 Oct 2021 Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Junqi Yin, Viktor Reshniak, Miroslav Stoyanov

Anderson acceleration (AA) is an extrapolation technique designed to speed-up fixed-point iterations like those arising from the iterative training of DL models.

Deep Learning Image Classification

Scalable Balanced Training of Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks on Image Data

no code implementations21 Feb 2021 Massimiliano Lupo Pasini, Vittorio Gabbi, Junqi Yin, Simona Perotto, Nouamane Laanait

We propose a distributed approach to train deep convolutional generative adversarial neural network (DC-CGANs) models.

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