Search Results for author: Massimo Hong

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

MutaPLM: Protein Language Modeling for Mutation Explanation and Engineering

1 code implementation30 Oct 2024 Yizhen Luo, Zikun Nie, Massimo Hong, Suyuan Zhao, Hao Zhou, Zaiqing Nie

To address these issues, we present MutaPLM, a unified framework for interpreting and navigating protein mutations with protein language models.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +1

Learning Multi-view Molecular Representations with Structured and Unstructured Knowledge

1 code implementation14 Jun 2024 Yizhen Luo, Kai Yang, Massimo Hong, Xing Yi Liu, Zikun Nie, Hao Zhou, Zaiqing Nie

To address these issues, we present MV-Mol, a molecular representation learning model that harvests multi-view molecular expertise from chemical structures, unstructured knowledge from biomedical texts, and structured knowledge from knowledge graphs.

Knowledge Graphs Molecular Property Prediction +3

MolFM: A Multimodal Molecular Foundation Model

2 code implementations6 Jun 2023 Yizhen Luo, Kai Yang, Massimo Hong, Xing Yi Liu, Zaiqing Nie

In this study, we introduce MolFM, a multimodal molecular foundation model designed to facilitate joint representation learning from molecular structures, biomedical texts, and knowledge graphs.

Cross-Modal Retrieval Knowledge Graphs +5

Towards Unified AI Drug Discovery with Multiple Knowledge Modalities

no code implementations17 Apr 2023 Yizhen Luo, Xing Yi Liu, Kai Yang, Kui Huang, Massimo Hong, Jiahuan Zhang, Yushuai Wu, Zaiqing Nie

In recent years, AI models that mine intrinsic patterns from molecular structures and protein sequences have shown promise in accelerating drug discovery.

Drug Discovery Knowledge Graphs +2

Attacks and Faults Injection in Self-Driving Agents on the Carla Simulator -- Experience Report

no code implementations25 Feb 2022 Niccolò Piazzesi, Massimo Hong, Andrea Ceccarelli

We show that adversarial attacks and faults injected in the trained agent can lead to erroneous decisions and severely jeopardize safety.

Autonomous Driving

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