Search Results for author: Massimo Stella

Found 17 papers, 1 papers with code

Towards hypergraph cognitive networks as feature-rich models of knowledge

1 code implementation13 Apr 2023 Salvatore Citraro, Simon De Deyne, Massimo Stella, Giulio Rossetti

Semantic networks provide a useful tool to understand how related concepts are retrieved from memory.

Cognitive modelling with multilayer networks: Insights, advancements and future challenges

no code implementations2 Oct 2022 Massimo Stella, Salvatore Citraro, Giulio Rossetti, Daniele Marinazzo, Yoed N. Kenett, Michael S. Vitevitch

Cognitive multilayer networks can map multiple types of information at once, thus capturing how different layers of associations might co-exist within the mental lexicon and influence cognitive processing.

Community Detection

Writing about COVID-19 vaccines: Emotional profiling unravels how mainstream and alternative press framed AstraZeneca, Pfizer and vaccination campaigns

no code implementations19 Jan 2022 Alfonso Semeraro, Salvatore Vilella, Giancarlo Ruffo, Massimo Stella

Our findings expose crucial aspects of the emotional narratives around COVID-19 vaccines adopted by the press, highlighting the need to understand how alternative and mainstream media report vaccination news.

Feature-rich multiplex lexical networks reveal mental strategies of early language learning

no code implementations13 Jan 2022 Salvatore Citraro, Michael S. Vitevitch, Massimo Stella, Giulio Rossetti

Modelling words as vectors is key to natural language processing, whereas networks of word associations can map the nature of semantic memory.

Language Acquisition Sentence

Cognitive network science quantifies feelings expressed in suicide letters and Reddit mental health communities

no code implementations28 Oct 2021 Simmi Marina Joseph, Salvatore Citraro, Virginia Morini, Giulio Rossetti, Massimo Stella

Our quantitative comparisons provide strong evidence that suicide notes encapsulate different ways of expressing feelings compared to online Reddit boards, the latter acting more like personal diaries and relief valve.

DASentimental: Detecting depression, anxiety and stress in texts via emotional recall, cognitive networks and machine learning

no code implementations26 Oct 2021 Asra Fatima, Li Ying, Thomas Hills, Massimo Stella

We find that semantic distances between recalled emotions and the dyad "sad-happy" are crucial features for estimating depression levels but are less important for anxiety and stress.

Sentiment Analysis

Network psychometrics and cognitive network science open new ways for detecting, understanding and tackling the complexity of math anxiety: A review

no code implementations31 Aug 2021 Massimo Stella

This review of data-informed studies outlines math anxiety as a complex system that: (i) cripples well-being, self-confidence and information processing on both conscious and subconscious levels, (ii) can be transmitted by social interactions, like a pathogen, and worsened by distorted perceptions, (iii) affects roughly 20% of students in 63 out of 64 worldwide educational systems but correlates weakly with academic performance, and (iv) poses a concrete threat to students' well-being, computational literacy and career prospects in science.


Cognitive networks identify the content of English and Italian popular posts about COVID-19 vaccines: Anticipation, logistics, conspiracy and loss of trust

no code implementations29 Mar 2021 Massimo Stella, Michael S. Vitevitch, Federico Botta

Semantic associations with "vaccine," "hoax" and conspiratorial jargon indicated the persistence of conspiracy theories and vaccines in massively read English posts (absent in Italian messages).

Cognitive network science for understanding online social cognitions: A brief review

no code implementations25 Feb 2021 Massimo Stella

Social media are digitalising massive amounts of users' cognitions in terms of timelines and emotional content.

Data Integration

Revealing semantic and emotional structure of suicide notes with cognitive network science

no code implementations23 Jul 2020 Andreia Sofia Teixeira, Szymon Talaga, Trevor James Swanson, Massimo Stella

We show that suicide notes are affectively compartmentalized such that positive concepts tend to cluster together and dominate the overall network structure.

Distance entropy cartography characterises centrality in complex networks

no code implementations28 Feb 2018 Massimo Stella, Manlio De Domenico

We introduce distance entropy as a measure of homogeneity in the distribution of path lengths between a given node and its neighbours in a complex network.

Multiplex model of mental lexicon reveals explosive learning in humans

no code implementations26 May 2017 Massimo Stella, Nicole M. Beckage, Markus Brede, Manlio De Domenico

Our findings provide quantitative confirmation of existing conjectures about core structure in the mental lexicon and the importance of integrating multi-relational word-word interactions in psycholinguistic frameworks.

Language Acquisition

Multiplex lexical networks reveal patterns in early word acquisition in children

no code implementations11 Sep 2016 Massimo Stella, Nicole M. Beckage, Markus Brede

Network models of language have provided a way of linking cognitive processes to the structure and connectivity of language.

Mental Lexicon Growth Modelling Reveals the Multiplexity of the English Language

no code implementations5 Apr 2016 Massimo Stella, Markus Brede

In this work we extend previous analyses of linguistic networks by adopting a multi-layer network framework for modelling the human mental lexicon, i. e. an abstract mental repository where words and concepts are stored together with their linguistic patterns.

Patterns in the English Language: Phonological Networks, Percolation and Assembly Models

no code implementations16 Oct 2014 Massimo Stella, Markus Brede

In this paper we provide a quantitative framework for the study of phonological networks (PNs) for the English language by carrying out principled comparisons to null models, either based on site percolation, randomization techniques, or network growth models.


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