Search Results for author: Mathieu Molina

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Equitable Auctions

no code implementations12 Mar 2024 Simon Finster, Patrick Loiseau, Simon Mauras, Mathieu Molina, Bary Pradelski

We initiate the study of how auction design affects the division of surplus among buyers.

Bounding and Approximating Intersectional Fairness through Marginal Fairness

1 code implementation12 Jun 2022 Mathieu Molina, Patrick Loiseau

Then, we prove bounds (easily computable through marginal fairness and other meaningful statistical quantities) in high-probability on intersectional fairness in the general case.

Descriptive Fairness

On Preemption and Learning in Stochastic Scheduling

1 code implementation31 May 2022 Nadav Merlis, Hugo Richard, Flore Sentenac, Corentin Odic, Mathieu Molina, Vianney Perchet

We study single-machine scheduling of jobs, each belonging to a job type that determines its duration distribution.

Efficient Exploration Scheduling

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