Search Results for author: Mathieu Sibue

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

BuDDIE: A Business Document Dataset for Multi-task Information Extraction

no code implementations5 Apr 2024 Ran Zmigrod, Dongsheng Wang, Mathieu Sibue, Yulong Pei, Petr Babkin, Ivan Brugere, Xiaomo Liu, Nacho Navarro, Antony Papadimitriou, William Watson, Zhiqiang Ma, Armineh Nourbakhsh, Sameena Shah

Several datasets exist for research on specific tasks of VRDU such as document classification (DC), key entity extraction (KEE), entity linking, visual question answering (VQA), inter alia.

Document Classification document understanding +5

DocLLM: A layout-aware generative language model for multimodal document understanding

no code implementations31 Dec 2023 Dongsheng Wang, Natraj Raman, Mathieu Sibue, Zhiqiang Ma, Petr Babkin, Simerjot Kaur, Yulong Pei, Armineh Nourbakhsh, Xiaomo Liu

Enterprise documents such as forms, invoices, receipts, reports, contracts, and other similar records, often carry rich semantics at the intersection of textual and spatial modalities.

document understanding Language Modelling

Can GPT models be Financial Analysts? An Evaluation of ChatGPT and GPT-4 on mock CFA Exams

no code implementations12 Oct 2023 Ethan Callanan, Amarachi Mbakwe, Antony Papadimitriou, Yulong Pei, Mathieu Sibue, Xiaodan Zhu, Zhiqiang Ma, Xiaomo Liu, Sameena Shah

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on a wide range of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, often matching or even beating state-of-the-art task-specific models.

Financial Analysis

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