Search Results for author: Matteo Turchetta

Found 15 papers, 10 papers with code

Breeding Programs Optimization with Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations6 Jun 2024 Omar G. Younis, Luca Corinzia, Ioannis N. Athanasiadis, Andreas Krause, Joachim M. Buhmann, Matteo Turchetta

Crop breeding is crucial in improving agricultural productivity while potentially decreasing land usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and water consumption.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Safe Guaranteed Exploration for Non-linear Systems

1 code implementation9 Feb 2024 Manish Prajapat, Johannes Köhler, Matteo Turchetta, Andreas Krause, Melanie N. Zeilinger

Based on this framework we propose an efficient algorithm, SageMPC, SAfe Guaranteed Exploration using Model Predictive Control.

Efficient Exploration Model Predictive Control

Near-Optimal Multi-Agent Learning for Safe Coverage Control

1 code implementation12 Oct 2022 Manish Prajapat, Matteo Turchetta, Melanie N. Zeilinger, Andreas Krause

In this paper, we aim to efficiently learn the density to approximately solve the coverage problem while preserving the agents' safety.

Diversity Navigate +1

GoSafeOpt: Scalable Safe Exploration for Global Optimization of Dynamical Systems

1 code implementation24 Jan 2022 Bhavya Sukhija, Matteo Turchetta, David Lindner, Andreas Krause, Sebastian Trimpe, Dominik Baumann

Learning optimal control policies directly on physical systems is challenging since even a single failure can lead to costly hardware damage.

Safe Exploration

GoSafe: Globally Optimal Safe Robot Learning

1 code implementation27 May 2021 Dominik Baumann, Alonso Marco, Matteo Turchetta, Sebastian Trimpe

When learning policies for robotic systems from data, safety is a major concern, as violation of safety constraints may cause hardware damage.

Bayesian Optimization

Robust Model-free Reinforcement Learning with Multi-objective Bayesian Optimization

no code implementations29 Oct 2019 Matteo Turchetta, Andreas Krause, Sebastian Trimpe

In reinforcement learning (RL), an autonomous agent learns to perform complex tasks by maximizing an exogenous reward signal while interacting with its environment.

Bayesian Optimization reinforcement-learning +2

Mixed-Variable Bayesian Optimization

no code implementations2 Jul 2019 Erik Daxberger, Anastasia Makarova, Matteo Turchetta, Andreas Krause

However, few methods exist for mixed-variable domains and none of them can handle discrete constraints that arise in many real-world applications.

Bayesian Optimization Thompson Sampling

Learning-based Model Predictive Control for Safe Exploration and Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation27 Jun 2019 Torsten Koller, Felix Berkenkamp, Matteo Turchetta, Joschka Boedecker, Andreas Krause

We evaluate the resulting algorithm to safely explore the dynamics of an inverted pendulum and to solve a reinforcement learning task on a cart-pole system with safety constraints.

Model Predictive Control reinforcement-learning +3

Learning-based Model Predictive Control for Safe Exploration

1 code implementation22 Mar 2018 Torsten Koller, Felix Berkenkamp, Matteo Turchetta, Andreas Krause

However, these methods typically do not provide any safety guarantees, which prevents their use in safety-critical, real-world applications.

Model Predictive Control Safe Exploration

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